Action Alert – Join the March to the Ballot Box 8/6 – 8/8

The 2020 election, one of the most crucial in our nation’s history, is less than 100 days away. It is more vital than ever that we demand equal and full access to the vote. We must also vigorously defend against the voter suppression tactics that often maliciously target Black and Brown communities across this country.

Women predominate among the most disengaged nonvoters

“We’ve been told for millennia that we should be silent, we shouldn’t speak, we should submit, we’re not that smart,” said Toni Van Pelt, president of the National Organization for Women, the largest organization of feminist grassroots activists in the United States. “That long history adds to women thinking that they are not entitled to the vote or that they don’t need to make time for it. It’s really important for us to say to other women, ‘We want to hear what you have to say. We need your vote. We need to know what your opinion is.’ ”

NOW’s Response to Donald Trump’s Racism

WASHINGTON, D.C. — It’s no wonder that practically the only President that Donald Trump can name is Andrew Johnson.  Among the impeached former president’s regular pronouncements on race was his vow that “Before I would see this Government destroyed, I would send every negro back to Africa, disintegrated and blotted out of space.” Until now, Read more …