In a post-Roe v. Wade reality, the feminist community has become essential to young feminists in a way it hasn’t been since NOW’s Founding in 1966. We at NOW want to create that space for Young Feminists around the country to create a place of their own and become more involved in their community. This is how NOW Young Feminists was born!  

The NOW Young Feminists will be a caucus of NOW members under 35. Within the Young Feminists, we will have the Young Feminists National Committee, which will be the leadership of the Young Feminists and be appointed by the NOW President and our Board. Also, within the Young Feminists, we have Campus Action Networks (CANs) for undergraduate campuses and Young Feminists Action Networks (YFANs) for post-graduate campuses and young professionals. CANs and YFANs will be opportunities, for NOW, Young Feminists to gather within their community and engage in activism and organizing that is important to them and NOW’s six core values.  

What are NOW’s 6 Core Values? 

NOW Young Feminists will have a special membership rate of $10 for a Standard year, plus enjoy a discounted NOW Annual Conference Admission price of $10! NOW CAN Members are eligible to receive a FREE YEAR membership! NOW Young Feminists will also enjoy the benefits of a standard NOW Member—membership in their state chapter, the ability to affiliate with a local NOW chapter, and voting rights at the NOW Annual Conference where we set our organizing and activism goals and policy direction for the next year!

  1. Reproductive Rights and Justice 
  2. Economic Justice 
  3. Racial Justice
  4. LGBTQIA+ Rights
  5. Constitutional Equality 
  6. Ending Violence Against Women 

Want to join NOW Young Feminists? 

Become a NOW Member! Click this link to join for $10: JOIN NOW!

Fill out this Interest Form

Please Welcome Our Young Feminist National Committee Officers!

Click Here to Read their Bios!  

We are still looking for TWO (2) current undergraduates for the Young Feminist National Committee Officers! If you have joined NOW and NOW Young Feminists, please click this link to apply– If you have any questions, please email Shelby von Hofe at to discuss further.  

If you are interested in creating a CAN or YFAN on your campus, please email Carlo Chavarria at and cc Shelby on your email.  

Check out the NOW Young Feminists Voting and Election Guide!

Are you a first-time voter? Do you have questions about voting? Are you looking for ways to get involved in the election?

A step-by-step explanation of how to create a voting plan and resources for voting! PLUS, resources for if you want to get more involved in the election! 

Click here for the NOW Young Feminists Voting and Election Guide 

Election 2024 Resources

It’s time for young feminists across the country to get involved in this year’s Election!!  

Are you registered to vote?  

Check your Registration or Register HERE

 Voting Questions? 

Call 866-OUR-VOTE or Click Here for More Info 

Need help with the candidates or issues on your ballot?  

Get your Ballot Guide from the League of Women Voters! 

ACLU 2024 Election Issues Guide 

Want to get more involved? 

Volunteer with Young Voters for Harris-Walz! 

Learn to Register Voters in Your Community with When We All Vote!  

Apply to become a Poll Worker Here with Power to the Polls! 

Check Poll Worker Age Requirements  

Become an Election Protection Volunteer! 

Learn about Youth Election Protection Programs with Common Cause! 

We are currently staffing the Young Feminist National Committee! If you have joined NOW and NOW Young Feminists, please click this link to apply– deadline for applications is June 30th!  

If you have any questions, please email Shelby von Hofe at to discuss further. If you are interested in creating a CAN or YFAN on your campus, please email Carlo Chavarria at and cc Shelby on your email.  

We hope to hear from you soon and work together to bring NOW into the future and secure its legacy! 

NOW Young Feminists Monthly Newsletter: 

Upcoming Events: 

  • September 17 – National Voter Registration Day 
  • October 12 – Period Action Day 
  • October 14 – Indigenous People’s Day 
  • November 2 – National Women’s March in Washington, DC 
  • November 5 – Election Day 

Past Event:

Follow us on social soon.