Women Need Higher Minimum and Tipped Wage Rates

Women are disproportionately represented in the number of minimum wage workers. According to the National Women’s Law Center, nearly two-thirds of all minimum wage workers and nearly three-fourths of tipped minimum wage workers are women. Many of these women are employed in industries that are traditionally coded as “women’s work” and have traditionally been underpaid: child and elder care, housekeeping and food service.

Social Security turns 79: celebrating nearly eight decades of support for women

There is a simple truth that we here at the National Organization for Women understand intimately: the fight for women’s equality is not over. This Thursday, August 14th, 2014 is the 79th anniversary of Social Security and, in the face of repeated attacks on reproductive health services, continued workplace and wage discrimination, and the persistent reliance on women as guardians and caregivers, we must celebrate and protect one of the greatest pieces of legislation in the United States’ history.

THE DIRTY 100 – The Story Behind the Litigation

The 100-plus lawsuits challenging the Affordable Care Act’s contraception coverage mandate are less about legitimate religious beliefs than about the fervent desire of extremists to roll back women’s equality, including access to the full range of reproductive health care.

LGBT #RealPay

April 8th recognizes part of the economic disparity women struggle with, and our #RealPay campaign has tried to suss out how race and other societal realities put women at a considerable financial disadvantage. But there is another layer to the way pay discrimination works: LGBT-identified individuals are much more economically vulnerable than their straight counterparts.1 Read more …