The Supreme Court Slams the Door on the “Boyfriend Loophole”- Huge Win for Women’s Safety

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes WASHINGTON, D.C. — National NOW President Christian F. Nunes issued the following statement in response to this morning’s SCOTUS ruling on United States v. Rahimi:  “In today’s 8-1 decision, the majority of the Supreme Court rejected the challenge to the constitutionality of a federal law that bans Read more …

NOW Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Outside of enshrining laws that provide survivors with the ultimate protections, we must increase funding and institute community-based resources to support and implement the laws we put into place. We must work to close the systemic gaps that influence domestic violence and IVP.

NOW Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

NOW Recognizes October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month  Congress Must Renew VAWA and Acknowledge Intimate Partner Violence as a Public Health Issue   WASHINGTON, D.C. — This October, as NOW recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we must also spotlight the crisis of intimate partner violence (IPV). This has become a serious public health issue, especially during the pandemic, where rates of domestic violence during lockdown increased by 8.1%, according Read more …