Celebrating the Centennial of a Feminist Icon: Betty Friedan

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today marks what would have been the 100th birthday of National Organization for Women (NOW) co-founder Betty Friedan. Her groundbreaking work as the “mother” of the modern women’s rights movement includes her seminal book, The Feminine Mystique, and her election as NOW’s first president.   An author, journalist, educator, and activist, Friedan launched NOW on June 30, 1966 while at Read more …

The Return of Feminist Champions to the White House

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today’s victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was fueled by the commitment and resolve of millions of feminists who voted in record numbers.  Our vote is our voice—and we used it in this election to make history.  After four long years, we will finally put feminist champions back in the White House. Vice President–Elect Kamala Harris “stands on the shoulders” of the giants who came before her to make history Read more …

NOW Pushes For More Than Equality On Native Women’s Equal Pay Day

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — Today, October 1, 2020, marks the date that Native women financially catch up to what their white male counterparts made in 2019. In the United States, it takes the average Native woman 22 months to make what the average white man makes over the course of one year. As NOW observes Native Women’s Equal Pay Day, we must address the ways in which Native women are continually disenfranchised by Read more …