Republicans Continue their Assault on Women’s Reproductive Freedom by Refusing to Protect the Basic Right to Contraception

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes    WASHINGTON, DC— Christian F. Nunes, National President, the National Organization for Women (NOW), issued the following statement regarding the Right to Contraception Act:  “The U.S. Senate could have taken the simple step to protect the right to contraception—something that’s supported by wide majorities in both parties. But Read more …

Renewing our Commitment to the ERA on its 100th Anniversary  

When Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman authored the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, both the state of women’s rights in America and the women’s rights movement looked very different than they do today. The ERA was proposed at a time when women could not open their own bank accounts, obtain a mortgage, could not serve Read more …

“Is That All?” – FBI Apology To USA Gymnasts Is Not Enough

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The recent Senate testimony by four Olympic gymnasts was heart-wrenching—and it made us mad.  We are mad that these brave women had to relive their trauma for a televised audience.  We are mad that the institutions involved are not holding themselves accountable.  And we are mad at the culture that brought them here.    As Simone Biles stated so plainly, we’re mad at “an entire system that enabled and perpetrated (Larry Nassar’s) abuse.”  FBI Director Read more …