50 years ago, it was legal to deny a woman credit without a male co-signer

…lots of women figured they just weren’t qualified for the credit cards, business loans and mortgages they were being denied. So, advocacy groups like the National Organization for Women started publishing op-eds in popular women’s magazines, like Glamour and and Ladies’ Home Journal, explaining what to look for and inviting women to share testimonials.

Sign On Letter: 75 Organizations Call to Overturn Supreme Court Presidential Immunity Ruling

The Supreme Court decision in Trump v. United States poses a significant threat to our democracy by effectively providing the president with sweeping legal immunity for criminal acts. The idea that a president should be granted constitutional protection from prosecution for otherwise criminal “official acts” is an affront to the fundamental principle of American democracy that no one is above the law.

Republicans Continue their Assault on Women’s Reproductive Freedom by Refusing to Protect the Basic Right to Contraception

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes    WASHINGTON, DC— Christian F. Nunes, National President, the National Organization for Women (NOW), issued the following statement regarding the Right to Contraception Act:  “The U.S. Senate could have taken the simple step to protect the right to contraception—something that’s supported by wide majorities in both parties. But Read more …

Renewing our Commitment to the ERA on its 100th Anniversary  

When Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman authored the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, both the state of women’s rights in America and the women’s rights movement looked very different than they do today. The ERA was proposed at a time when women could not open their own bank accounts, obtain a mortgage, could not serve Read more …