2016-2018 National Board Election Candidates
Western District – Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, Texas
Cindy Drabek – Richmond, TX
“I stand strong for women’s rights. I became a member of NOW after college .As I became the mother of two daughters, our fight has taken on an even deeper meaning and has strengthened my resolve to bring women into equality. Recently, I have been a candidate for the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate. Standing strong in our conviction and our sisterhood Will bring our strength and our power to the forefront of our nation. I am a mother, a businesswoman, and an activist for equality. I kindly ask for your vote. I will be a strong leader on our National Board. Thank you.”
Carla Josephson – Rio Rancho, NM
“Current National NOW Board member Current NM NOW Board member Former NM NOW State President Former Orlando NOW President Former FL NOW Reproductive Rights Committee Chair Paralegal It is an honor and a joy to work with NOW members in my state, with our NM Choice Coalition and with members from around the country on the NOW National Board. With your support, my NOW family, I will continue to proudly represent NOW, work on implementing the modernization changes and strategic goals we developed in Board committees, and continue to build membership and allies in the Western region.”
Gilda Yazzie – Durango, CO
“I am a candidate for National NOW Board 2016 – 2018 from the Western district. I have served on the national board, been involved with the modernizing/restructuring, and would like to continue my work with this process. I’m running for National board because I would like to see our organization continue to evolve into a stronger and more contemporary advocacy force. Let’s grow and educate our membership with the use of technology, and the internet. We have taken a big step forward with computer technology, and NOW must continue to use webinars, update webpage, and bring our membership along this technology road. Additionally, to be a contemporary advocacy force, NOW must continue to push for accessibility and diversity within our membership, by all avenues. The last reason I’m running for board is I enjoy all the people who are involved with NOW. For NOW, Gilda Yazzie.”
Heartland District – Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Sue Gibson – Jefferson City, MO
“I have served on the National Board as a representative of the Prairie States Region since early 2015, my current committee assignment being Structure and Process. I have served as at-large representative and newsletter editor for Missouri NOW and currently serve on Missouri NOW’s PAC. I am deeply committed to racial justice and reproductive freedom and heavily involved in feminist, LGBTQIA, and racial justice activism. My Facebook page can be found here. On Twitter, I am @SheWho__ (@SheWho followed by two underdashes) I have been working toward convening state NOW chapters in the Dakotas, and would very much like to see that come to fruition. I would love to have your vote to represent the newly formed Heartland district!”
Barbara Miller – Peoria, IL
“I am interested in serving on the National Board as an opportunity to contribute to NOW. NOW is an organization in which I believe very much and that has been an important part of my life. There are three issues about NOW that I propose as my priorities. The first is to provide strong support for the grassroots part of our organization. I view the grassroots as the life blood of NOW. We need to unify, which is something to which I feel I can contribute. Second is to promote racial diversity. I think this is a very important priority that NOW needs to approach aggressively. I attended our national conference on diversity. I think that we need to find new ways to overcome our barriers. I have experience in the “unlearning racism” effort that was funded by NOW. My third priority is to engage young feminists. For so many reasons, this is super important. We need the fresh ideas. We need our work to carry on, or what was it all for? My local chapter and a college chapter have met together and learned a lot about the dynamics of the intergenerational dialogue. We hope to do much more. I’m also passionate about PAC-related activities, so you can imagine I’ve been going a little crazy lately. I’ve had time to do it. I’m recently retired. I worked 40 years as a Social Worker. 18 of those years, I was the Executive Director of an Area Agency on Aging. For 17 of those years, I worked at a free medical clinic. I’m one of those lucky people who loved her job. Let me close by telling you a little about my experience with NOW. NOW has been an important part of my life since the 1970’s. I’ve served in a variety of leadership roles at the state and local levels many times over many years. I’ve been the President of each. Right now, I’m the state Treasurer. I’m the Co-President of my local chapter. I very much appreciate each District member’s consideration of my statement. I will be happy to elaborate and to provide additional information, as requested.”
Jocelyn Morris – Fort Leonard Wood, MO
“Minority seat in my district. My passion has always been working for “Equality for Women” and includes efforts to correct imbalances in our culture in the US and around the planet which affect women and minorities in jobs and society. NOW: served on the NOW Global Feminist Strategies and Issues National Committee, 2007; currently serving on the NOW National Combating Racism Committee 2008 to Chair) to present. Also served on the NOW National Conference Planning Committee 2014-16; 2016: VP Missouri NOW • Coordinated the NOW 2012 Conference Sexual Trafficking Workshop NOW Life member June 2009 • Currently serving on the NOW PAC, and Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline committees. Other Qualifications: (Fund raiser) Published a Soul Food Cook for the Afro-Culture Workshop in the Philippines in 1970 and again 2003 for Blacks in Government in Missouri BA Degree in Human Services, Antioch University, 1985; Rutgers Law School one semester, 1986, Paralegal Certification, Barclay College, Sacrament Calif. 1986 Civilian Employee of the U.S. Army, 23 years, retiring 30 Apr 2010, • 69 year old Black Female.”
Southern District – Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee
Bear Atwood – Terry, MS
“As I stood at a rally against the draconian anti-LGBT bill Mississippi just passed in April, and listened to the other attacks on women and people of color in our legislature, I thought- this is why we need a strong NOW. I want to see NOW on the cutting edge of the fight for freedom from oppression and I am excited about bringing my voice, skills and willingness to listen to the Board. I grew up in NOW. NOW is where I honed leadership skills, media skills, and public speaking skills and where I developed the ability to make connections between race and gender and sexual orientation, and poverty and violence. Over my long NOW membership I have served at almost every level, including chapter member, chapter leader, NJ State President, National Board member and NOW PAC member. Living in Mississippi has been an interesting experience for this feminist, lesbian from the northeast. But I have been here for nine years and call Mississippi home. I have been lucky enough to work first for the Southern Poverty Law Center and then the ACLU, and now in my own law practice. But once you step out of the few progressive workplaces and organizations, you enter a world that is not very friendly to women, people of color and the LGBT community. The need for action has never felt more urgent to me. I joined NOW because I saw NOW taking strong positions and sticking to them. I want to be a voice on the Board for NOW continuing that tradition of being the organization that takes principled stands, and sticks to them. I want to be a voice for NOW stepping forward when no other group will take the risk. And, I want to be a voice on the board for good fiscal management so that we can maximize our resources and use them to make real change. I am a march in the streets, take action, policy wonk, passionate, radical feminist. I would be honored to represent my region on the National NOW Board. Please feel free to call or email me to talk about NOW and the National Board. See you at the Conference, Bear.”
Meredith Ockman – West Palm Beach, FL
“As the daughter of a teacher and a business man, I will ensure our accomplishments are built upon. As the sister of my twin who I spoke for, I will continue to speak for those without a voice. As a younger sister and an older sister, I will continue to bring people together for our mission and vision. I have been proud to be the Southeast Regional Director of the NOW Board for the last couple of years. It has been a learning experience and an opportunity to explore new leadership skills. I have been the Chairperson for 2 national committees and I have mediated situations in different states who needed help. I have had a wonderful time getting to know NOW sisters across the country! There are so many possibilities for the direction of NOW and I intend to participate in making sure we accomplish our goals! My favorite quote is: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead.”
Eastern District – Delaware, District of Columbia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia
Beth Corbin – Mount Rainier, MD
“I will work to revitalize NOW chapters and state organizations. From my experience in NOW, and as the National Field Director at Americans United for Separation of Church and State for more than 10 years, I am uniquely qualified to provide the guidance needed to make NOW even stronger! In October, 2015, I won a highly contested race to fill a vacancy on the NOW National Board. At my first official meeting in November we were asked to participate in one of three Task Force committees. I chose the Sex Abuse to Prison Pipeline committee. We developed an action plan that state organizations and chapters can use to address this serious issue in their communities. I’m proud to be on this committee and look forward to sharing our work with the conference. The Task Force is an extension of NOW’s Combatting Racism Committee. With your support I welcome the opportunity to continue this important work. I also want to assure you that I will keep an eye on the financial health of the organization. The current officers have worked very hard to bring NOW out of a serious financial crisis. We need to continue this progress and I pledge to be a good steward of NOW’s funds. NOW members expect no less. During key Democratic primary months I volunteered for the NOW PAC making phone calls into various states on behalf of Hillary Clinton. We must work to elect the first woman president! I’m legally married to Amy Hummel Corbin, a wonderful partner. I was once fired for being a lesbian, so LGBTQ civil rights are very important to me. I came into NOW over the issue of reproductive justice and I fully support safe and legal abortion – without apology! As someone with physical limitations I understand the needs of people with disabilities and I will strongly advocate on this issue. I strongly support the ERA, and I am also deeply concerned about the violence and discrimination women and girls face – that is still far too prevalent in communities of color — specifically African American and Latina women. I’m a relentless multi-issue feminist! I first joined NOW in 1988, while living in Florida, and revitalized the Fort Myers NOW Chapter. During the Webster Supreme Court struggles, Fort Myers NOW organized the communities first-ever march for reproductive justice that brought more than 300 people into the streets. I remained Chapter President until relocating to Washington, DC in 1990 to work at the National NOW Action Center. In August 1990 I joined the Action Center Staff as Administrative Assistant to the Action Vice President and I was Managing Editor of the National NOW Times. I moved to Maryland in 2003, and immediately began working with Maryland NOW. I was first elected Executive Vice President, and then President of Maryland NOW. I am currently co-president of Northern Prince George’s County NOW. I ask for your support! Thank you, Beth Corbin.”
Audrey Muck – Clemmons, NC
“I’ve been active in NOW for more than 25 years, starting in South Carolina, where I served as president of the Greater Columbia NOW chapter and as a member of the SC NOW Board. Like you, I am angry that in 2016 we are still having to fight many of the same battles we were fighting decades ago!
I am running for the National Board because I want to raise NOW’s visibility and unite more feminists nationwide; help chapters be more effective by developing fresh tools and guidance to take community-level action on national-level goals; and to improve the communication and teamwork between National NOW and chapters.
The Hobby Lobby decision was the final straw – among so many awful straws! – that led me to gather my feminist friends and focus on getting the long-dormant Triad NOW chapter back up and running. I am currently serving as president of the chapter, which covers the Winston-Salem/Greensboro/High Point area and several surrounding counties in North Carolina. Though we’re still in the rebirth phase, Triad NOW hosted the 2015 NC NOW Annual Conference, lobbied our legislators, and protested against North Carolina’s voter suppression law as well as the recent law removing protection from discrimination for LGBTQIA people in our state and eliminating state judicial redress for any form of employment discrimination.
In addition to serving on the NC NOW Board, I’m also on the steering committee for the ERA-NC Alliance, a new organization focusing on ratification of the ERA in North Carolina. I’m also producing a documentary about women’s rights activists in South Carolina.
With nearly 30 years of experience managing multimedia productions and communications strategy, I look forward to putting my strengths to work for this organization I care so much about. I would be honored to serve as your board member for the Eastern District.”
Pacific District – Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington
Nancy Campbell Mead – Depoe Bay, OR
“I am just completing a 2-year term on the NOW Board representing the NW Region, and would be honored to continue representing NOW members for an additional two years, this time as a representative of the newly created Pacific District. In addition to being a current member of the NOW Board, I also serve on the board of Oregon NOW, and am Past President of Central Oregon Coast NOW, which I was instrumental in “reactivating” after the chapter’s several year dormancy. Additionally, I was a leading board member of VoteERA.org that worked tirelessly to pass an Equal Rights Amendment into Oregon’s Constitution in 2014; the ballot measure passed by an overwhelming 65% “Yes” to 35% “No”. I currently serve on the NOW Board ERA Committee which is focused on getting the ERA adopted into the US Constitution, as well as getting states to pass ERA’s into their state constitutions. At the 2015 NOW Conference I presented at a workshop on the “Cradle to Prison Pipeline”. BACKGROUND: I started college immediately after high school, but married and had my first child before completing my degree. When my third child was two I returned to college, graduated, then entered law school. My husband and I divorced while I was in law school which left me having primary care of three young children, and finding myself having to work almost full time while completing law school. This was a very challenging time for me. Not only was I stretched to the limit timewise, I was also stretched to the limit financially. On the positive side, it gave me an appreciation of the challenges faced by single mothers trying to support their children with limited resources. After law school I worked for a short period of time with the firm I had worked for during law school, then started my own law practice in the town where I lived in order to be closer to my children. I was active in various legal associations, including serving on the board of the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, and being active in the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association. I also was one of the first two women admitted as members of my local Rotary Club. In 1988, I was appointed by Oregon’s Governor to be a Circuit Court Judge; I was the first woman judge in my county, and the only one for several years. During my tenure I was instrumental in starting my county’s Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. I also organized a national training conference on Domestic Violence in LGBTQ+ relationships, and spoke nationally on this issue. CONCLUSION: I would be honored to have your vote to serve on the NOW Board for a second term. I believe my experiences within and outside of NOW make me an ideal candidate. I am a feminist to the very core of my being, and will work hard to strengthen NOW so that it continues to be the forefront organization for the feminist movement.”
G. China Fortson-Washington – Tacoma, WA
“NOW is a multi-issue, multi-strategy organization that takes a holistic approach to women’s rights” and in doing that the effort to make sure that the inclusion of all women’s voices are heard. There should be a conscious effort made to collaborate with communities of Color, the marginalized and underserved populations to ensure that their voices are represented at the table when discussing issues that impact women. I would like to be able to work with the National Board, local chapters and members to train the trainers and create a toolkit on how to collaborate with, recruit and retain Women of Color to ensure diversity in NOW. I would like to provide education and be a resource to share and disseminate information; improve networking among NOW and Women of Color, the underserved and marginalized population of women. I will be a resource to provide networking opportunities and create a forum for issues that directly affect Women of Color, the underserved and marginalized population of women. In doing this I will provide the framework to ensure diversity and equal treatment be given to issues that impact Women of Color, the underserved and marginalized population of women and their communities, which will provide encouragement and opportunities for women to improve their status and that of their families. Let me introduced myself: My name is G. China Fortson-Washington and I am one of the “Wild Women of the West”, Tacoma, Washington. My passion is to empower women to be all the want to be and support them on their journey. I had worked in the field of domestic violence and sexual assault for over 16 years before my retirement in 2010. I many awards and accolades for my work, but one of my greatest achievements is on the Board of Women of Vision Organization (NGO) and was able to develop The Domestic Violence Institute which allowed me to forge a relationship and support the first domestic violence shelter with the Phambili BPW Refuge in George, South Africa. That relationship lead to a cultural exchange and collaboration of a joint application submitted and funded through the US Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs Grants Division, which provided for a group made of women and men to travel to George, South Africa and a delegation of South African to visit the United States. Another project that I was honored to be apart of is the Tacoma NOW Chapter sponsoring a art show for with the Puyallup Tribal School Art Class yearly. I started the first legal clinic for domestic violence victims and survivor at the local YWCA. My personal passion is cultural and diversity training which opens up dialogue and communication that can lead to change. Last but not the least is my greatest accomplishment of my life is my two Black Princesses, who have grown up to be very strong in who they are and no one can put limitations on where and what they can achieve.”
Sinuon Hem – Tacoma, WA
“Presently, I’m working for Asia Pacific Cultural Center as Youth Program Manager. I’m the treasure for WA State NOW, member of NOW Tacoma Chapter and president of the Cambodian Women Networking Association in Tacoma WA. I’m a member of the Cambodian Community Council and a member of the Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition of Washington and we does our legislative advocacy works in the APIC of WA. I’m also a treasure for Steering Committee for Cambodia and member of the Vibrant School Tacoma, selected to join OSPI ESSA workgroup for the ESSA Consolidated Plan. As for my passed work experience, I have variety of social Services work experiences for over 30 years. I started my 1st. job as a WSU State Nutrition Education for 10 years, while I was working there, I took some times to obtain AAA degree in Human Services, BA from Evergreen State College and received my M.Ed and Guidance Counseling from City University, I work for Youth Program through Metro parks for 10 years, went to open up my own business for 4 years, joined Mental Health as a Clinical Supervisor for 2 years and work for Aging & Long Term Care for about 1 years and now I’m with APCC for 5 years to present. I’m always involves with many community activist works and now helping poor women and their families with Pigs project and English/Moral Educational Program for Poor children in Cambodia. Now, I’m educating young people to completing their high school education and assisting to persue post-secondary education and providing community resources and helping them to learn and respect their own cultures. I’m seeking my 2nd term to become National Organization for Women to learn more on how to advocate for Women Issues so that someday, I can use this important skills to assist the Cambodian Women in Cambodia to rise up for their own rights. Also, during the 1st. term with NOW Boards is not enough for my learning and looking forward to learn more during my 2nd term as NOW board of Director. I look forward to be invited to join NOW Board of Director for my 2nd term. Thank you so much for your time.”
Kolieka Seigle – Sacramento, CA
“It is with great passion and enthusiasm that I submit my entry to serve on the NOW national board. As an intersectional feminist committed to political action, advocacy, and civic engagement, I have spent the bulk of my career seeking to promote democratic participation for underrepresented minorities and improve conditions in communities of color.
I currently serve as the President of the Sacramento chapter of California NOW and Vice President – Action of the CA National Organization for Women. I also serve on California NOW PAC while working full time in the tech industry. My former duties include serving as Commissioner for the City of Berkeley – Commission on the Status of Women; California National Organization for Women Executive Board – V.P Membership; Berkeley National Organization for Women, Vice President; Feminist Democrats of Sacramento County and other Non Profit Boards and Domestic Violence Coalitions. I bring to the Board over a decade of experience and leadership in Sacramento and the Bay area in political consulting, advocacy, prochoice visibility actions, and campaign management at the local, city and state level. Skilled in organizational development, strategic planning, and problem solving, with documented success overcoming challenges of limited resources to build coalitions in issue advocacy. Some service works and highlights: Facilitating workshops, community forums and trainings across the multi issue feminist agenda including: domestic violence, sexual assault, restorative justice, LGBT equality, and financial readiness/ economic empowerment. Continuing to educate women and girls on the gender impact of legislation, administrative policies and budgetary decisions. Working alongside legislators to push for equal pay through policy changes. Currently CA NOW is sponsoring Senate Bill 1063 – The Fair Pay Equality Act that would prohibit employers from pay discrimination based on race, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation, which just made it out of the Labor committee. Lastly, through education and direct action helping to alleviate poverty and reduce violence, reward women’s economic contributions, and develop and elect women to office. I am committed to ensuring women take their rightful place as equals. If given the opportunity to serve on the national board, I will be effective and accessible in governance. The challenges of the past and the circumstances of the years to come make this election year critical. I look forward to working with you to continue the fight to institutionalize gender equity and empower women and girls. I would be honored to have your support.”
MonaLisa Wallace – San Francisco, CA
“MonaLisa Wallace, Esq considers herself a proactive feminist. Inspired by deep feminist theory, she has strived to take action to womanifest social change. She is recognized as an experienced and dedicated feminist working in social justice, environmental rights and advocacy for women and girls. MonaLisa Wallace brings the National Organization for Women board her skills, enthusiasm and sense of humor. Her proven board management style includes feminist communication methodology, a deep understanding of the legal and sociological issues affecting women and girls and training in nonprofit management best practices. MonaLisa’s leadership experience with NOW includes two terms as president of San Francisco NOW. Her accomplishments include filing charges against Hooters, leading a campaign to ban transfats from the school lunch program, leadership roles in large and small rallies, produced events attended by thousands and even a couple flash mobs. She served two terms each for San Francisco, California and the National NOW boards of directors. In her most recent role at NOW on the Combatting Racism committee she moderated a panel on the cradle-to-prison pipeline at the 2015 NOW Conference in New Orleans. Articulate on the multi-issue feminism of NOW, she accomplishes her intersectional leadership through public speaking, community building, organizing, litigating and direct nonviolent action on matters of reproductive freedom, peace, structural equality and environmental justice. A skilled negotiator and media pundit, she has an ability to shine the light of a compassionate feminist perspective on the complex social and organization issues. MonaLisa wishes to run for another term on the NOW board because she believes she can contribute to the braintrust, sisterhood and teamwork that has accomplished so much already. She is honored to have the opportunity to enjoy another term among some of her most cherished mentors, inspirations and friends. To learn more about her work, check out her website: www.MonaLisaWallace.com or follow her on Twitter/FB/Instagram as: GREENFEMINIST”
Northern District – Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Robin Dionne – Cranston, RI
“Robin Dionne is the Director of Communications for The Lady Project, the Director of Outreach for Arcade Providence, and principal at the consulting firms R. Dionne Consulting and Tabs & Robin.
She has served on the national board of the National Organization for Women (NOW) since 2014, and served as Legislative Coordinator and Communications Director on the Rhode Island NOW board from 2007-2016. She is currently a Women’s Policy Institute Fellow at the Women’s Fund of Rhode Island.
Robin graduated from Rhode Island College with a degree in Women’s & Gender Studies, and will begin graduate studies at Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management in fall 2016. She lives in Cranston, RI, where she does a lot of reading, writing, policy analysis, motorcycle riding, pug walking, and vegan cooking.”
Michele Hamilton – State College, PA
“Current board member for Mid Atlantic region, soon to be Northern district. Current VP of PA NOW and local chapter president for last 5 years. Paid work as assistant director of shelter services for a domestic violence center in State College PA. Active in many civil (LWV) and social justice issues and organizations including PICC, an advocacy group for immigrants and refugees. My family lives in NYC, orginally from Jamaica. Have been living in PA over a decade. Have three cats, one named Alexander Hamilton. Have enjoyed my time on the NOW Board.”
Kaolin – Northampton,MA
“I am a resident of W. MA. and have been in the National Task Force to Combat Racism for six years. I also submitted a workshop proposal taken from my Unity First award winning book “Talking About Race: A Workbook about White People Fostering Racial Equality in Their Lives which is being considered for training the NOW Chapters and State organizations; was Keynote Plenary Speaker at NOW’s Feminism: Strength in Diversity Conference ’14 and co-facilitated “The Spirit of Change: Working the Racial Equality Muscle” workshop with Desiree Jordan moderated by C. Jenkins. I have also been a guest lecturer at Holyoke Community College speaking on “The Unspoken Deep Pain of Racism” and “The Cost of High Cost of Attributional Ambiguity” among other presentations at various schools and cultural centers. My second book co-authored by Henry White host of NCTV’s Spotlighting Paradise program is titled, “Protocol: Welcome to Paradise, Watch Your Step” which will be published by Leveller’s Press in the fall of 2016. Originally from Brooklyn., N.Y. where I raised my two children, I worked in politics, the arts, and on the WBAI. FM radio station on a program titled, “Doing It For Ourselves”. I was also a Health Benefits Field Rep. for the D.C 1707 Local – 205 Welfare Fund. In 1990 I rec’d. a scholarship to work on Kate Millet’s (“Sexual Politics”, “Sita,” “The Looney Bin Trip”) Art Colony for Women in upstate N.Y. and came upon the name ‘Kaolin’ in Kate’s library. While living in Seattle., WA. soon afterwards I legally changed my name to Kaolin and have no surname. My former name was Patricia Anne Graham-Williams. KAOLIN is a clay used in making porcelain a sufficient metaphor for the ways in which women, myself included have shaped and re-shaped our Iives. I am a bisexual incest survivor and have written a great deal about both subjects. My adult children are biracial and in their forties. In 1991 I moved to Northampton., MA and eventually earned my BA, Summa Cum Laude at the Univ. of MA. at Amherst where I had designed my own course titled, “Let’s Talk about Race” and taught it for a year. Soon after I found a publisher, CDD Books, Inc. for it and began a rigorously fascinating journey promoting it. I had also begun a career in human services and recently retired after twenty-one years in the field to write full time, lecture and facilitate workshops that foster racial and gender equality. I look forward to continuing my work with NOW during these most challenging times on the many tasks ahead, while dissolving the impact white supremacy has upon us and fostering racial equality in the myriad of ways available to us! Please go to my website for more info. And http://www.ltar.biz/videos to watch the You Tube videos I am in: NOW Strength in Diversity Plenary 6-27-14; Spotlighting Paradise: Talking About Race and HCC The Unspoken Deep Pain of Racism.”
Jacqueline Kozin – New Haven, CT
“Thank you for all you do for women! And for taking the time to review these profiles to learn more about the leaders who want to work for and represent you. I hope to earn your support as representative of the northern district.
I have designed my life with the mantra: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Advocacy and activism, friendships and family, full-time work and volunteerism. I have lived my life working to be the change I wish to see in the world.
As a continuation of that mantra, I am running for the NOW Board.
I have served as Connecticut’s NOW chapter president and treasurer and currently serve on the NOWPAC board. I have enjoyed working with the dynamic women from NOW and would like to have a more engaged role in shaping the organization and its future.
I have worked on numerous women’s issues: pay equity, paid family leave, trafficking, reproductive health access. But in my opinion, to get action on these issues, we need to change the political conversation by getting more women into office and working behind the scenes. And that is why I’ve chosen the career path I have.
For the past ten or so years, I have worked mainly in politics, supporting candidates and elected officials who have made a difference. Most recently, and most proudly, I spearheaded Connecticut’s grassroots efforts that brought a win for Hillary Rodham Clinton this past April.
As I worked to promote the MsPresidentNOW campaign by organizing trips to New Hampshire for the primary, I reached out to NOW members to have them be a part of it. In my conversations, I was struck by the number of women who were amazed that I was reaching out to engage them and by those who said they were just too old to be part of it.
This brought me to two thoughts: first, one is never too old to help make history and change; and second, for the livelihood of the organization, we need to strengthen and energize our efforts to bring current and new members into active participation within the organization. I want to help activate and be a part of that effort.
As a former chapter leader, I understand the intense work on the ground and how any chapter support from the national organization could help advance NOW’s grassroots reach. As a NOW board member, I would like to target my efforts on fundraising so that we can bring on a staff member to help with chapter support.
And as a former non-profit and campaign communications staffer, I would like to help work on advancing NOW’s profile in the media, particularly social media, through strategic messaging that demonstrates NOW not only as a resource but also powerful policy force among women. This will grab the attention of policymakers, electeds, and donors.
I look forward to working meeting you in DC and working with you.”
Judi Polson – New York, NY
“From my childhood on a farm in rural Missouri, to a sub-minimum-wage job in Kansas, to project management in North Carolina (where I first joined NOW) and New York City (where I was honored of join the Board of NOW-NYC), while working for 35 years in the private sector in the testosterone-sodden field of technology (with significant periods of unemployment along the way), I bring a reservoir of empathy and life experience to NOW’s mission of advocating for women and girls. In my 12+ combined years experience on the highly diverse, multi-generational Boards of NOW-NYC and NOW-NYS, I have participated in numerous National NOW Conferences and was deeply involved in the grassroots input that brought the updated National By-Laws to last year’s Conference. I am passionate about NOW’s multi-issue, multi-strategy approach, and have been involved in every issue in NOW’s scope. Having escorted at clinics in the Bronx even during ferocious New York winters, I am also deeply passionate about reproductive rights. I view economic independence as the most reliable and flexible form of power available to us and have made my focus pay equity and the livable wage. I would be honored to help represent NOW’s Northern District on the National Board.”
Jaclyn Richard – Rochester, NY
“President Greater Rochester NOW 2015-2017 Vice -Pres Greater Rochester NOW 2013-2015 Domestic Violence Represntative to DV Consortium Rochester New York 2013-2015 Organized Roev wade event & Susan B Anthony events Equal Pay Day ..awareness on street Outreach to college campus for voter registration & reproductive freedoms Celebrated Eleanor Smeal induction to women’s Hall of Fame with event at Susan B Anthony house with Terry O’ Neill, Congresswomen Louise Slaughter Campaigning with & for Congresswomen Slaughter & HILLARY R CLINTON My goal is to enhance women’s vision for choice, acceptance of all our sisters.. LGBTIA community . Stop trafficking and stand up for what is RIght & Fair for all women . We must break the glass ceiling on EQUAL PAY & The right to make decisions on our own BODIES. Of course a WOMEN IN THE WHITE HOUSE I am sick and tired of being SICK &TIRED. . Please accept my candidacy for NOW national board See you in JUNE.”