* * UPDATED * * A Narrowly Divided Congress Must Still Protect Women 

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The narrow majority won by House Republicans was a historic rejection of a party that predicted a “Red Wave.”  Instead, Democrats made gains in the Senate, in state legislatures, and in statewide offices from governor to attorney general to secretary of state.  Americans sent Read more …

Ending Violence Against Women (Mock-up)

Introduction History In 1994 NOW and the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (NOW LDEF) led the campaign to pass the Violence Against Women Act and we have worked with allies over the years to reauthorize VAWA and assure funding to support programs preventing violence against women, protections for survivors, and other supports. BIPOC women especially are at Read more …


It was the sort of violence that few people reported or even talked about but that millions of individuals experienced: the battering and abusive treatment by a spouse or partner. Survivors were terrified to speak out and hesitated to call police – at least, not until they realized that they could possibly be killed. Though Read more …

NOW’s History with VAWA (Part One)

Domestic Violence:  NOW Activists Took the Lead to End DV  Overview  Activist members of the National Organization for Women helped lead the way more than 50 years ago to address the widespread and tragic problem of domestic violence. At the time, wife-battering was not broadly recognized as a crime and when police were called to Read more …

NOW’s Advocacy for VAWA 

In the early 1990’s NOW and the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (NOW LDEF) led the campaign to pass VAWA we have worked with allies over the years to reauthorize the act to assure funding to support programs preventing violence against women, protections for survivors, and other supports.   The Origins of VAWA   Then-Senator Joe Read more …

NOW President Testifies Against Puerto Rico’s Extreme Abortion Bans

Statement of National NOW President Christian F. Nunes Today, I testified in front of the Comision de lo Juridico/Committee on Legal Matters of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives by video in opposition to legislation that would further restrict access to abortion—which remains legal in Puerto Rico. Last April, I testified against legislation that would Read more …

NOW Summer 2024 Internships

The National Organization for Women is the largest grassroots organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has hundreds of thousands of contributing supporters and members in chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since ​its​ founding in 1966, NOW’s purpose is to take action through intersectional grassroots activism to promote Read more …

NOW Recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Outside of enshrining laws that provide survivors with the ultimate protections, we must increase funding and institute community-based resources to support and implement the laws we put into place. We must work to close the systemic gaps that influence domestic violence and IVP.

NOW Pushes for Equality on Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

09/21/2022 WASHINGTON— NOW recognizes Black Women’s Equal Pay Day and the need for transformative change that addresses the gender and racial inequalities that economically plague Black women. Black women are the backbone of our workforce but are often ignored and overlooked due to sexism and misogynoir. Black women have to do twice as much and Read more …