Voter Suppression Targets Women, Youth and Communities of Color (Issue Advisory, Part One)

In recent years, the focus has been on registering and engaging the Rising American Electorate, but right-wing efforts to suppress their participation are well underway. If these efforts are successful and voters stay home, Democrats could lose control of the U.S. Senate and more state legislatures could turn over to a Republican majority. Here’s a round-up of what’s happening around the country.

OPPOSE THE CHAINED CPI: A Benefit Cut that Hurts Women

Social Security is the largest source of income for most older women – for a substantial number of senior women it is their only source of income. The chained CPI would cut thousands of dollars from their already modest Social Security retirement and disability benefits.

Women Need Higher Minimum and Tipped Wage Rates

Women are disproportionately represented in the number of minimum wage workers. According to the National Women’s Law Center, nearly two-thirds of all minimum wage workers and nearly three-fourths of tipped minimum wage workers are women. Many of these women are employed in industries that are traditionally coded as “women’s work” and have traditionally been underpaid: child and elder care, housekeeping and food service.

Am I Not Also My Sister’s Keeper?

Clearly, it is past time to refocus the nation’s attention on our deep racial disparities in housing, economic well-being, education and health care. But it turns out that the MBK initiative is only for boys and young men of color. That’s a problem for anyone who cares about gender and racial justice.

Peace Corps Volunteers and Abortion Coverage

After seeking medical treatment for the pelvic inflammatory disease that came as a result of the rape, Carcano discovered she was pregnant. She was told that if she chose to have an abortion she would have to pay for it on her own.

FDA: Where are the Women?

First publicized over thirty years ago, the lack of women in clinical trial research of drugs and devices is still a serious problem. As CBS’s Sixty Minutes reported on May 25, we now know that women sometimes respond very differently to prescription drugs than men.