Media Hall of Shame: ESPN, the NFL, and Domestic Violence (UPDATED)
The NFL clearly needs to change its policies when smoking weed — which is now legal in some states — is considered twice as bad as violently assaulting a woman.
The NFL clearly needs to change its policies when smoking weed — which is now legal in some states — is considered twice as bad as violently assaulting a woman.
Last fall in my hometown an agender teen named Sasha’s skirt was set on fire while they rode home on the bus. Victim of a cruel assault just because of their gender expression, Sasha suffered severe burns and was hospitalized. The bus Sasha was riding on, the 7, was the bus that I took to school every day, and Sasha went to the same high school as my older sister, who is lesbian.
The current crisis at the southern U.S. border has been all over the news as thousands of unaccompanied children have been apprehended. This crisis is yet another reminder of why we need comprehensive immigration reform and why immigration is a feminist issue.
Time and again, the president has used his executive power to fight against discrimination and ensure that workers are treated fairly. Now, we want the president to make crystal clear that the U.S. government will not do business with those who discriminate against women.
Last week, Kate Clancy, a professor of anthropology and the University of Illinois published a study examining the experiences of geologists, archaeologists, anthropologists, and other scientists while doing fieldwork. While her work shows that sexism in the workplace is alive and well, it also sheds some light on some of the reasons why women are underrepresented in the sciences.