The Google Anti-Diversity Memo Cribs Its Worst Arguments from Men’s Rights Activists

No respectable reader will trust the gender critiques of a man who is so incensed by company efforts to advance women in tech roles that he sinks hours of his own time into explaining why lady brains cannot execute the technical, high-pressure roles occupied by men at Google. But there is a sizable built-in audience for this kind of lament for the days when men were men and women just didn’t want to do man jobs. That audience is the men’s rights movement.

Creating a More Feminist Science

By Kathryn Gimborys, Government Relations Intern On April 22, 2017, thousands of scientists and individuals participated in a “March For Science” in Washington, D.C., with hundreds of additional satellite marches and actions taking place throughout the country. A direct response to the current administration’s disregard for scientific facts in policy-making decisions, the March sought to Read more …

Protect Immigrant Workers–on May Day, and Every Day

Right now, immigrants across the country are facing extreme xenophobia. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids are breaking apart families–deporting individuals whose documents may not be in order, but who nonetheless help to sustain the U.S labor force and create vibrant communities.