Protect Immigrant Workers–on May Day, and Every Day

On May 1, as people around the country rise up to take action for immigrant rights, I am thrilled to announce the launch of NOW’s targeted campaign to protect immigrant restaurant workers.

Right now, immigrants across the country are facing extreme xenophobia. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids are breaking apart families–deporting individuals whose documents may not be in order, but who nonetheless help to sustain the U.S labor force and create vibrant communities.

The restaurant industry employs 1.1 million undocumented immigrants, and 52% of all restaurant workers are women. Individual restaurants are uniquely poised to make a difference in the lives of immigrant workers, and activists can help make this happen.

In partnership with Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United, NOW is calling for restaurants around the nation to become Sanctuary Restaurants. Sanctuary Restaurants designate themselves as establishments where xenophobia, sexism, and racism will not be tolerated–and actively work to protect their employees from discrimination. Immigrant rights supporters around the country can participate in the campaign by asking their favorite restaurant to consider becoming a Sanctuary Restaurant.

No human being is illegal, and all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect at work. This May Day, and as we continue to grow this Sanctuary Restaurants movement, we need to take our activism hyper local to protect the rights of undocumented people. Activists: look to your communities, and fight for your neighbors.

Contact: M.E. Ficarra,, 951-547-1241