NOW Applauds President Biden’s Pledge To Codify Roe v. Wade

It’s time to head to the polls, exercise our right to vote, and maintain a majority that promotes an intersectional feminist agenda. President Biden is representing the wishes of this country, and it’s time we rally for him as he continues to advance the status of human rights in America.

NOW Supports President Biden’s Latest Guidelines On Reproductive Rights

There is no reason why our nation’s medical doctors must choose between practicing safe, crucial reproductive rights and practicing in a state that they call home. There is no reason why a woman should fear for her life in pursuit of reproductive healthcare. There is no reason why people should not have a say over the body they govern.

Committed to Defending Roe

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today is “Roe Day” –the 49th Anniversary of Roe v Wade. Will it make it to 50?  With an anti-abortion Supreme Court majority now firmly in place, we face the very real threat that women will be stripped of their constitutional right to abortion, especially with the Court about to rule on Read more …

Roe Day’s Message for Election Day

On “Roe Day,” we need to recommit to electing lawmakers who will defend abortion rights in Washington and the states. In 2022, we need to vote for women’s lives. Our goal is to elect a 60-vote abortion rights majority in the Senate and flip state legislatures that are currently held by the narrowest of margins.