We Must Defend Roe—Before It’s Too Late

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today is the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade that recognized the Constitutional protection of an individual’s right to abortion care.  It’s up to us to ensure that today isn’t the last time we mark this occasion—before a new conservative majority on the Supreme Court strikes it down.    In recent years, state legislatures Read more …

NOW Commemorates MLK Day and Reaffirms Commitment to Racial Justice

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, NOW reaffirms our commitment to continue fighting for racial justice and the lives and rights of Black people across the nation. In the last year, we have seen the impacts of structural racism dominate the news cycle again and again. From the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people of color, to the murders of George Read more …

NOW Demands Equitable Treatment from Our Justice System

Charge Violent Perpetrators as Domestic Terrorists & Institute a   National Day of Apology for Peaceful Protestors Who Were Excessively Policed in the Past  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Make no mistake. What we witnessed taking place in our Capitol yesterday was a painful dichotomy of restoring democracy and domestic terrorism. As the morning started, many of us were elated with happiness and celebrating the Georgia victory of Senator-elect Warnock and Read more …