The Fight to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment Is Happening NOW

WASHINGTON, D.C. – NOW welcomes the move by the Attorneys General of the last three states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment—Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia—to file an opening brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. This would end the unlawful obstruction of constitutional equality by the U.S. Archivist, who is required Read more …

“Is That All?” – FBI Apology To USA Gymnasts Is Not Enough

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The recent Senate testimony by four Olympic gymnasts was heart-wrenching—and it made us mad.  We are mad that these brave women had to relive their trauma for a televised audience.  We are mad that the institutions involved are not holding themselves accountable.  And we are mad at the culture that brought them here.    As Simone Biles stated so plainly, we’re mad at “an entire system that enabled and perpetrated (Larry Nassar’s) abuse.”  FBI Director Read more …

How ERA is good for the economy

Women are the backbone of our economy, and their contributions cannot be understated; women drive 70-80 percent of consumer behavior and contribute trillions of dollars to the economy.

NOW Demands No Arbitrary Deadlines For Equality

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The decision by a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit that would force the federal government to recognize the recent ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) by Virginia was an empty endorsement of an arbitrary deadline.   U.S District Judge Rudolph Contreras’s ruling means that women will have to continue to wait for a constitutional guarantee of equal rights. It has been nearly a half-century that we Read more …