NOW Responds to “Wrongful and Unprecedented” Step by Archivist of the U.S. to Influence Certification of the Equal Rights Amendment
Do the right thing, Mr. President. We need your strong voice for full constitutional equality.
Do the right thing, Mr. President. We need your strong voice for full constitutional equality.
When Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman authored the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, both the state of women’s rights in America and the women’s rights movement looked very different than they do today. The ERA was proposed at a time when women could not open their own bank accounts, obtain a mortgage, could not serve Read more …
We need the ERA to stop laws targeted at restricting women’s rights before they can do damage. Establishing that such discrimination is clearly unconstitutional is an essential first step.
The Equal Rights Amendment would grant women just that – equal rights, and it’s become more important than ever in an America that is actively restricting women’s freedoms.
“I’m from Generation X, and I was taught to wait my turn,” says Christian F. Nunes, president of the National Organization for Women since 2020. “Gen Z and millennials are pushing back on that. And that’s a wonderful thing.”