Immigration is a Feminist Issue

This August NOW’s President Terry O’Neill was arrested in front of the White House as part of a protest for comprehensive immigration reform. Terry and other immigration activists were specifically protesting the deportation and separation of families. Feminism intersects with the need for immigration reform first and foremost because the immigration system is inherently discriminatory, Read more …

NOW Stands in Solidarity with Walmart Strikers this Black Friday

This Black Friday, and every day, NOW stands in solidarity with the Walmart Strikers. Walmart has an obligation to better its practices as the largest employer in the United States. NOW calls on the Walton family to respond the demands to pay workers $15/hour and provide consistent schedules.

NOW Applauds President Obama’s Executive Order on Immigration Reform, Calls on Congress to Pass Comprehensive Reform That Treats Immigrant Women Fairly

Tonight, President Obama did the right thing for millions of immigrant women, men and their families. But much remains to be done. The President’s action provides only temporary relief, and it affects only half of the undocumented immigrants who work and contribute to the country’s welfare every day.

Immigration Is a Feminist Issue

Immigration is a feminist issue. That’s why I’m adding my voice to the growing number of women who are telling House Republican leadership to wise up and stop blocking reform of our badly broken immigration system.