What does “love your body” mean to you?

Love Your Body, a campaign of the NOW Foundation, “challenges the message that a woman’s value is best measured through her willingness and ability to embody current beauty standards.” Women and girls are told, every day and in so many ways,that being admired, envied and desired based on their looks is a primary function of true womanhood. The beauty standards enforced by our society are rigid, narrow, unrealistic, and very, very white.

VA Marriage Ban Struck Down

On Monday, July 28 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled in a 2-1 decision that Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Judge Henry Floyd argued that personal opposition to same-sex marriage is not a legitimate reason for legally banning gay marriage.

#RealPay and Inclusive Feminism

NOW’s #RealPay campaign was meant to draw attention to how race affects the gender pay gap, but it was also meant to highlight what “mainstream” feminist discourse has been struggling with for decades: inclusion.

Happy Birthday Social Security!

Welcome to the National Organization for Women’s Social Security Birthday Blog Bash! For 78 years, Social Security has been a lifeline for millions of Americans. Currently, there are 56 million beneficiaries; 70% are retirees, 11% are survivors

Remembering on Roe Day

I don’t treat the anniversary of Roe v. Wade as a day of celebration. For the other 364 days in the year I celebrate that women have the options they do, and I lament the roadblocks partisan activists and politicians throw up to prevent women from having choices. To me, Roe day is about remembrance.