By Caitlin Gullickson, NOW Communications Assistant
Welcome to the National Organization for Women’s Social Security Birthday Blog Bash!
For 78 years, Social Security has been a lifeline for millions of Americans. Currently, there are 56 million beneficiaries; 70% are retirees, 11% are survivors of deceased workers and 19% are disables workers and their families. While Wall Street is notoriously risky, Social Security has never missed a payment.
While we love Social Security, we know we can make it better. Too often the injustices women face in the workforce are replicated in Social Security; due to a lifetime of sex-based pay discrimination and unpaid caregiving, women are less able to save and invest, thus relying on Social Security in retirement at higher rates.
For this anniversary, let us remember the good while recognizing that there are reasonable solutions to the inequities in Social Security.
American Association of University Women, Beth Scott: Happy Birthday, Social Security!
Central Oregon Coast NOW, Nyla Jebousek: Recognize All Years of Marriage for Spousal Benefit Entitlement
Central Oregon Coast NOW, Amanda Le Pine: Social Security Needs to Give Credit for Caregiving!
Feminist Majority Foundation, Carmen Rios: Happy Birthday, Social Security! (And Thanks for All You Do for Older Women.)
Joanne Tosti-Vasey Blogging for Equality, Joanne Tosti-Vasey: Let’s Strengthen, Not Weaken Social Security
Jobs with Justice, Real Talk on Social Security
National Organization for Women, Terry O’Neill: Social Security Turns 78 Today! Will It Make It To 80?
National Organization for Women, Jan Erickson: A Birthday We Can All Celebrate