Week of Action – Post Dobbs

Hello. Today is the most amazing day. It is sunny outside and there is a slight breeze. The ocean sweet smell.
A year ago, the Supreme Court not only overturned Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs decision, they overturned our freedom to access abortion and control our own reproductive rights. Unfortunately, the Dobbs decision was only the beginning. Since the Dobbs decision, 13 states have banned abortion outright and many more states are severely limiting abortion access. And now, some states are chipping away at women’s access to birth control and medicines. While it’s only been one year since this decision, women have been thrust back decades in time and as a generation, we have less rights than the women who came before us.
We know we cannot give up the fight. That is why we are launching the NOW Week of Action for Abortion Rights during the week of June 18 to mark the anniversary of this egregious ruling. But even more importantly, show that women are united in protecting the right to abortion.
During NOW’s week of action for abortion rights, we invite you to lobby your representatives, post on social media, and support abortion assistance organizations. Join us to raise your voice to protect the right to abortion and liberties.
Tuesday, June 20: Social Media Blitz
- Join us at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT
- Change your profile picture to the Keep Abortion Legal. Choose from the two below.
- Tweet, and/or post a visual on your social media platform of choice illustrating your support for abortion rights.
- Use this hashtag on your social posts: #WeekofActionNOW2023
Wednesday, June 21: Lobby Day
- Visit or contact your state and federal representative to advocate for abortion rights.
- If you want to join NOW on the Hill, please use this form to sign up and we’ll get the details out to you.
Thursday, June 22: Persuasive Writing
- Here are some writing tips to persuade your audience for letters to the editor, emails to your congressional member, blogs and opinion pieces, and social media posts.
- How To Be Heard
- Writing persuasively
- Reaching targeted audiences
- Bringing about change
- The Responsive Chord
- Use facts to connect and write to strike a responsive chord
- It’s about power—power over women’s lives, health, and bodily autonomy. Power to decide women’s future.
- Think. Focus. Write.
- Focus your message on the outcome you want to achieve.
- Research
- Be provocative. Add something entirely your own. Say something new, interesting, or challenging.
- Recommendation a solution.
- How To Be Heard
Friday, June 23: Continue the Resistance
- Volunteer to be an abortion center escort.
- Donate to national abortion assistance funds.
- Abortion Finder: AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers and assistance resources in the United States.
- Abortion Funds: The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.
Saturday, June 24th, and additional dates
Womens March
- Women’s March | Day of Action
- Women’s March | Rallies Across the Country