DNC Day 3: Abortion behind the scenes, center stage
Nunes said that she felt some of the new abortion politics was expedient but that much of it was also sincere., Christian F. Nunes, National NOW President
Nunes said that she felt some of the new abortion politics was expedient but that much of it was also sincere., Christian F. Nunes, National NOW President
“We know the root cause of poverty. The housing crisis means 73% of low-income people pay more than half their income in rent,” said Christian Nunes, president of the National Organization for Women. The homeless rate has sharply risen in the last five years, Nunes said.
“When she was given the roles … then she was able to speak, and she did so very confidently, very boldly,” said Christian Nunes, president of the National Organization for Women (NOW).
It wasn’t long before reproductive rights orgs like the National Organization for Women, Reproductive Freedom for All, and Planned Parenthood released statements celebrating his selection, calling Walz “a longtime champion of sexual and reproductive health” and naming the duo “the most pro-reproductive freedom presidential ticket in US history.”