THURSDAY: Rally with NOW in Washington, DC
Rally with NOW on Thursday in support of Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and all survivors
RALLY with NOW in DC on Thursday:
Join NOW to rally in support of Dr. Blasey Ford, beginning at 8 AM, on Thursday, September 27th, at the Supreme Court (1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543). We will be wearing TEAL and holding Dear Professor Ford signs. We will have materials to make a sign if you don’t bring one. At 8:30 AM, we will march. We will continue marching until around 9:15 AM, at which time we will enter the Senate Office Buildings to view the hearing. Please sign up here to receive logistical information on the Thursday action. If you need local housing on Wednesday and/or Thursday nights, please sign up here. For questions, please contact NOW.
WEAR TEAL to support Dr. Blasey Ford. Anita Hill wore TEAL when she testified in 1991. Summon the courage and strength of Anita Hill when you support Dr. Blasey Ford this week. WEAR TEAL and post your photos on social media tagging @NationalNOW with the hashtag #BelieveSurvivorsNOW. If you stage a local walkout or protest, invite local media outlets to cover your event.
NOW’s “Dear Professor Ford” social media campaign is going viral! Have you posted your message, yet? Here’s what you can do:
Write letters of solidarity to Professor Ford and post them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
In Case You Missed It
NOW President Toni Van Pelt appeared on C-SPAN last week to speak up for survivors of sexual violence:
Toni Van Pelt spoke at a press conference with sexual violence experts. Watch the video at this link. Scroll to minute 30 to see Toni speak.
Read these statements from NOW President Toni Van Pelt:
September 24, 2018, Brett Kavanaugh Should Be Removed From The Bench
“The news that Brett Kavanaugh allegedly committed sexual assault as a college student confirms what we’ve already known: Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to serve as a judge. He’s not only unfit to sit on the Supreme Court, but he’s also unfit to hold the position he currently occupies on the United States Court of Appeals.” Read the entire statement…
September 20, 2018, Christine Blasey Ford: “I Thought He Might Inadvertently Kill Me.” Christine Blasey Ford Deserves Justice
“NOW supports Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as she seeks an appropriate and serious hearing. And we also support her right to justice from a legal system that has failed for too many, for too long. Enough is Enough.” Read the entire statement…
September 19, 2018, Open the Kavanaugh Hearing to More Women
“…Dr. Ford made a brave decision to come forward. The Senate should hear from her, and from any other woman who finds herself on the brink of a historic decision.” Read the entire statement…