“Women don’t matter to the NFL…”

“Women don’t matter to the NFL, which is rather surprising because they’re a big part of the viewer audience,” said the president of the National Organization For Women. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cleveland-browns-signing-kareem-hunt-spurs-criticism-women-s-advocates-n970361

The NFL Still Doesn’t Get It – NOW Asks NFL to Change Meeting Location

When North Carolina’s Republican Governor, Pat McCrory, signed into law a bill that barred local governments from extending civil rights protections to gay and transgender people, the backlash from political leaders, business and professional sports organizations, leagues and teams was immediate and nationwide. And with good reason.

Nineteen Lawmakers Urge NFL To Pay Cheerleaders Minimum Wage

Legislators representing eight states sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Wednesday urging him to implement a league-wide standard of classifying cheerleaders as employees – entitling them to minimum wage and other employee protections.

Women’s groups blast NFL’s new personal conduct policy

Women’s advocacy groups on Thursday excoriated NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s changes to the league’s personal conduct policy, saying it does not do enough to help victims and hold players who commit domestic violence accountable. “It’s an exercise in public relations,” National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill told Reuters. “Roger Goodell’s idea of leadership is Read more …

Meet the New NFL Policy – Same as the Old Policy

The victim is an afterthought in this “new” policy — as she was in the old policy. Once again, Roger Goodell’s focus is on window dressing rather than effective, systemic change. NOW continues to call Goodell’s behavior shameful, unacceptable and impossible to defend. Roger Goodell must stop scrambling to save his own career, and resign without delay.

How Roger Goodell’s Blind Side Shattered the NFL’s Reputation

Terry O’Neill, President of the National Organization for Women, writes in an article for Time about the NFL, Roger Goodell, and Ray Rice. She challenges the victim blaming, manipulation of law enforcement, and misleading of the public in the aftermath of the latest domestic violence case within the NFL  community.