SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA – Immigrant families are being inhumanely locked away in horrific and immoral detention facilities in Southern California and around the nation and women and girls are suffering the most. Those fleeing to the U.S. are often seeking refuge from sexual violence, assault and poverty and they deserve a fair and humane immigration process. If they are to be held in these prisons, at a minimum, we have an obligation to give them access to vital human needs such as reproductive health care, feminine hygiene products and mental health care, among other provisions. They must be free from physical and sexual abuse, strip searches by guards, invasive personal and intimate questioning and tracking of their periods by U.S. government officials.
The National Organization for Women (NOW), in collaboration with our coalition partners listed below, are launching the “Unlock the Future” campaign with our first rally in San Diego. We are also issuing a Bill of Rights that will be delivered to top level government officials and launching an #UnlockTheFuture social media campaign.
Rally details include:
Who: Joining NOW President Toni Van Pelt and Vice President Christian F. Nunes will be:
- Dolores Huerta, Labor, Civil Rights and Feminist Icon; Co-founder, National Farm Workers Association and Founder, Dolores Huerta Foundation
- Tia Oso, International Activist and Strategist for BLD PWR Initiative
- Justine Gonzalez, Former President of the City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission and LGBTQ Advocate and Community Engagement Strategist
- Local entertainer Rose Mac and other speakers to be announced.
What: “Unlock the Future” Rally to demand humane treatment for the women and girls held in immoral immigration prisons.
Where: Larsen Field at the Cesar Chavez Recreation Center, 455 Sycamore Rd, San Ysidro, 92173
When: Oct. 6th, 2019; 12:00pm Pacific.
More information: Visit our website, read our Bill of Rights or visit our Facebook Event Page.
Media Contact: For more information, contact
Unlock the Future Co-Sponsors:
National Partners
Dolores Huerta Foundation
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)
Feminist Majority Political Action Committee
Catholics for Choice
The Outrage
Go With The Flow
First Church UCC
Legal Momentum
S K Burt Law
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Direct Support for Immigrants
Sister Song
African Coalition
Black women’s blueprint
The Global Women’s Institute
PERIOD. The Menstrual Movement
San Diego Partners
California NOW
Hollywood NOW
San Diego Area NOW
Senator Pro Temp Toni Atkins
Heart of LA Democratic Club
Field Team 6
Stonewall Democratic Club
Women’s March California
Women’s March San Diego
The Strategic Insights Group
And additional sponsors to be announced
For a full list of Unlock the Future Partners, please see our Bill of Rights.