Women’s Community Transition Letter

NOW helped prepare a detailed set of policy recommendations for a new administration, focusing on the needs of women of color and marginalized communities. Entitled, Women Demand: A Letter to the Federal Elected Officials and Candidates from the Women’s Community, the letter was signed by more than 200 organizations, including 34 NOW chapters.

Women Won’t Tolerate Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham’s Trickery

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Senate Judiciary Committee wasn’t even finished hearing testimony on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court when Lindsey Graham railroaded her onto the agenda for a final confirmation vote.  He knows that he has no time to spare to make his goal of a final Senate floor vote just days before Read more …

National Organization for Women and Feminist Majority: “Fired Up! Ready to Vote!” Featuring Special Guests Gloria Steinem, Ashley Judd and More

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – The National Organization for Women (NOW) is teaming up with Feminist Majority for their first-ever virtual national conference. “Fired Up! Ready to Vote!” brings together feminist activists and NOW members from across the United States for engaging plenaries and dynamic workshops to discuss voting strategies ahead of the most consequential election of our time and the countless feminist issues that are at stake.   Day two of Read more …

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Every Day, We Must Uplift Native Women’s Voices

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, October 12, NOW is proud to continue to take part in the national movement to observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day and to reject the racist history of the Columbus Day observance. To continue to honor the legacy of a man who stole sacred and ancestral land from Indigenous people and caused centuries of colonization and genocide is an act of violence against Native Americans. Instead, we must utilize this day to Read more …

NOW Pushes For More Than Equality On Native Women’s Equal Pay Day

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — Today, October 1, 2020, marks the date that Native women financially catch up to what their white male counterparts made in 2019. In the United States, it takes the average Native woman 22 months to make what the average white man makes over the course of one year. As NOW observes Native Women’s Equal Pay Day, we must address the ways in which Native women are continually disenfranchised by Read more …