The Cost of Love: Marriage Equality for Disabled LGBTQIA+ People

In a post-Obergfell v. Hodges world, the idea that marriage equality has not been fully realized seems absurd, but for disabled LGBTQIA+ people that is still the case. According to [i] “current estimates suggest there are between 9-11 million LGBTQIA+ adults in the United States. If approximately one in four have a disability, we Read more …

How Tim Walz Has Been a Champion for Reproductive Rights, From Abortion to IVF

It wasn’t long before reproductive rights orgs like the National Organization for Women, Reproductive Freedom for All, and Planned Parenthood released statements celebrating his selection, calling Walz “a longtime champion of sexual and reproductive health” and naming the duo “the most pro-reproductive freedom presidential ticket in US history.”

The Pink Tax: The Cost of Being a Woman

A key aspect of economic justice, one of NOW’s core values, is removing gender-based discrimination in everyday financial tasks. The pink tax, a theory that companies market products to women that are more expensive than nearly identical products targeted toward men is a crucial example of gender and income inequality.[i] One way that women face Read more …