The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has led to tremendous changes around the world. In agreeing to ratify CEDAW, countries agree to take concrete action to improve the status of women and girls.
What Other Countries Have Done After Ratifying CEDAW
- Turkey changed laws to raise marriageable age to 17, allow women to keep maiden names, work outside the home and keep their own wages without permission from their husbands
- Honduras created policies to make agricultural training and loans available to women farmers
- Austria amended policies for maternity protection and paternity leave
- Cambodia created a women’s ministry
- Canada created an institute to address health disparities between women and men
- Uganda created and funded programs to reduce domestic violence
- Israel allocated funding to mammograms
- Argentina developed a program to prevent teen pregnancy and care for teen mothers, especially homeless teen mothers
- Botswana overturned a law giving citizenship to children of men married to foreigners but not to children of women married to foreigners
- Germany, Guatemala, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, and many other countries, improved maternity leave and child care for women working outside the home
Women in the U.S. also stand to benefit greatly under CEDAW ratification. Though the U.S. played an important role in helping to draft the women’s rights treaty, we are the only industrialized country that hasn’t ratified it. Women in our country have already waited too long – 30 years. Demand President Obama and the Senate RATIFY WOMEN! by prioritizing and passing CEDAW without restrictions. without restrictions.