Washington, D.C. – The Super Bowl marks the end of the NFL season, but the league’s violence against women problem is far from over. Roger Goodell’s concern all along has been how to “protect the shield,” meaning the NFL’s reputation and image.
Protecting actual or potential victims of domestic violence is more difficult, and much more important. A 30 second ad during the Super Bowl won’t change a thing.
After a flurry of glitzy PR maneuvers and incomplete investigations, the NFL may think that the pressure’s off to change the culture of violence against women and shake up their leadership. Women—who are pro football’s fastest growing fan demographic—won’t let the NFL dodge their responsibility to enact real reform.
Roger Goodell’s response to the crisis of domestic violence has been inadequate and incompetent from the start. Team owners need to ask themselves if they really want to start the next season with the same failed leadership. The NFL will remain under a cloud of doubt and mistrust unless Roger Goodell steps down.