“Racism, Sexism, Misogyny and Hate Won This Election, But We Won’t Let Our Democracy Be Destroyed”

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes

Washington, D.C. – We may feel heartbroken, fearful, and angry today. But we are not defeated!

Donald Trump won by activating a base of voters who chose his racism, misogyny, and xenophobia over unity and democracy.  Kamala Harris wanted to turn the page on Trump, while Trump ran on turning back the clock on equal access to rights we’ve been fighting for the last 100 years.

Kamala Harris’ campaign didn’t fail; voters failed Harris. This result was not a reflection of her ability to lead but of voters’ ability to trust women. For the second time, the most qualified and experienced candidate for President has been defeated because she is a woman. This can’t happen again.

Where do we go from here? While we might feel a mix of uncomfortable emotions and want to retreat, it’s important that we pause, think about what just happened, grieve, and then ask questions about what it will take for us to disrupt the persistence of structural inequalities so that our elections never repeat these same destructive patterns.

Elections cross lines of issues, demographics, priorities, and values.   When voters simultaneously endorse abortion rights and then give their votes to Donald Trump, they fail to see how voting for oppression that affects some of us eventually reaches all of us. We can’t stay confined to silos but instead must come together in solidarity and determination to defend everyone’s freedoms and make our intersectional feminist movement stronger than ever.

Now, our challenge is to double down on protecting equal rights in the states, hold Trump accountable, and ensure that Trump doesn’t have an easy ride passing his agenda. Our work must be stronger, and we must stay focused on producing the results that the majority of Americans urgently need.

This was an intensely divisive election—but we can’t let it divide us forever.  We can’t let the forces that prevailed in this election keep us in crisis.  Our strength and resolve are needed more than ever.


Contact: Press Team, press@now.org,