President Biden Is Right – The Equal Rights Amendment Is Law Women Won’t Wait for Equality

Statement by National NOW President Christian F. Nunes  

WASHINGTON–We need the Equal Rights Amendment, and we need it NOW. 

President Biden is right when he affirms that the ERA has cleared all necessary hurdles to be formally added as the 28thAmendment.  It is the law of the land—and it’s long overdue. 

Generations of women have endured a system that pays them less, values them less, respects them less and treats them as second-class citizens.   

Now, women are preparing for a full-fledged attack on our rights from the highest offices of government, and a President who enables misogyny and discrimination based on gender.   We need full constitutional protection, before more of our rights are erased. 

President Biden has earned the respect of women for all he has done for women’s rights throughout his long career as a senator, and as president.  Joe Biden has never flinched from doing the right thing. 

President Biden needs to act with the same determination today.  We know that legal challenges will follow whatever decision he makes—but if the ERA needs the Archivist, Joe Biden must direct the Archivist to publish the ERA. 

History will remember this moment, and so will women.  Mr. President, do the right thing again.  Get the job done and put women’s equality in the Constitution. 

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