NOW/PAC Organizes to Educate Voters, Re-Elect Obama-Biden

Tomorrow’s election is pivotal. We’re down to the wire, and so much is hanging in the balance for women: economic security, the fate of Roe v. Wade, protection of Medicare and Social Security, and much more. We must stand up to the radical fringe — the last thing the War on Women needs is a commander-in-chief in the White House.

NOW leaders around the country are on the front lines, doing all we can to make sure women know what’s at stake in this election.

My staff and I are in key states across the country, like Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin and Illinois, and our network of NOW volunteers is working around the clock in other states like Florida, Montana, California, Nevada, Connecticut, New York, Washington and Massachusetts — campaigning to save the Senate and send more feminists to the House.

We are staffing phone banks, knocking on doors, rallying, talking to our friends, neighbors, co-workers and family about this crucial election. Our job is to make sure women aren’t fooled.

Make no mistake — although Romney and Ryan have flip-flopped, evaded and misled people about their intentions regarding women’s rights, they will do the bidding of the radical fringe that now controls the Republican Party. And that fringe is more interested in turning back the clock on our rights than creating jobs for ordinary women and men.

Well-informed voters will elect supporters of women’s rights and restore a functioning Congress that can solve our nation’s most urgent problems. NOW and NOW/PAC are working around the clock to make that happen.

With 24 hours left, NOW/PAC is encouraging its supporters to share this graphic on social media:

Link to video source for above quote:


Contact: Caitlin Gullickson, media[at], 202-628-8669 ext 123