NOW Urges the Obama Administration to Prosecute Roeder Under Domestic Terrorism

The Associated Press reports that Scott Roeder has confessed to shooting late-term abortion provider Dr. George Tiller in May at a Wichita church. Roeder told AP he intends to use the so-called necessity defense at his trial — arguing he was protecting unborn children.

“The absurdity of his defense is insulting and dangerous to women, but it also reveals his terrorist methodology using murder to accomplish his political goals,” says NOW President Terry O’Neill. “It is precisely this unrepentant domestic terrorism — and those who fund it — that must be stopped or else we will see more clinic violence and people will be killed,” said O’Neill.

NOW is calling on the Obama Administration and the Justice Department to treat this as domestic terrorism, and use every aspect of anti-terrorism laws to prosecute Roeder and to find and stop his funders. We urge the administration to freeze the assets of people or organizations, domestic and international, who helped fund and supported Roeder’s anti-choice activities.


Contact: Caitlin Gullickson, media[at], 202-628-8669 ext 123