NOW Mourns the Passing of Cecile Richards -“Cecile Richards Was a Powerhouse, a Trailblazer and an Inspiration”

Statement of NOW President Christian F. Nunes

WASHINGTON–NOW members mourn the passing of Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood and one of the most prominent, eloquent and passionate advocates for abortion rights.

At last summer’s Democratic National Convention, Cecile Richards told delegates, “when women are free to make their own decisions about their lives and to follow our dreams, we are unstoppable.  But when Roe v. Wade was overturned, a generation of young people lost that freedom.

Today, new generations are standing on Cecile Richards’ shoulders and recognizing her for always being an ally to our cause. Cecile Richards was instrumental in making reproductive rights an organizing issue in politics, reaching across party lines to win tough campaigns and build new coalitions

When she was awarded the 2024 Presidential Medal of Freedom, she said,” what a joy and a privilege it is to be part of the long struggle to make our country a fairer and more hopeful place.

Rest in power, Cecile Richards.


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