On Saturday, Jan. 27, the National Organization for Women will join a coalition of progressive organizations calling for an end to the war in Iraq.
“NOW is marching Saturday because our daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, friends and partners are dying in Iraq. We want our soldiers to return home, but not in flag-draped caskets,” said Gandy. “Countless Iraqis are dying as well, all for a war based on lies and greed.”
The event will begin with a massive rally on the National Mall, with speakers including: NOW President Kim Gandy; playwright Eve Ensler; the Reverend Jesse Jackson; Representatives Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey and Dennis Kucinich; actors Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, Tim Robbins and Danny Glover, and many progressive leaders. A march to the Capitol will follow.
NOW activists from across the country are coming to D.C. this weekend. Chapters from Maine to Seattle are finding ways to get here — from renting buses to carpooling, flying and Amtrak, so they can hit the streets in Washington to have their voices heard. And thousands more are organizing and participating in simultaneous peace marches in their hometowns.
Rally and march on Washington for peace
NOW President Kim Gandy, congressional and progressive leaders, actors, and civil rights leaders will speak at the rally, and then lead the march to the Capitol.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
11:00 a.m. Rally
1:00 p.m. March step off
Rally will take place at the east end of the Mall, at Third Street and Madison Drive, NW.
Press should check in on the south end of the stage.
“This march is going to be huge,” said Gandy. “More than ever, people are outraged with the Bush administration and its refusal to listen to anyone, least of all the voters who demonstrated last November an overwhelming objection to this war. Now we’re bringing our message to the Capitol. We have reached a boiling point, and women are demanding that Congress stop George Bush’s war.”