NOW Condemns Sen. Jim DeMint’s Dangerous Comments on Gays and Sexually Active Single Women Unfit to Teach

The National Organization for Women is outraged by the ignorant, homophobic comments Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) made on Friday at a conservative church rally, saying gay people and unwed sexually active women should not be teaching in public schools.

“Sexist bigots like Sen. Jim DeMint don’t belong in the United States Congress,” said NOW President Terry O’Neill. “He thinks gay women and men and sexually active single women should be banned from teaching, but he said nothing about sexually active, single straight men.”

This is not the first time Sen. DeMint stated his contempt for gays and women, having made a similar comment made back in 2004. DeMint went on to tell supporters Friday he would continue to recruit like-minded conservative leaders to run for Congress.

“NOW is re-doubling its efforts to stop Sen. DeMint and his crowd from taking control of Congress. We don’t need people like him who lead from a place of ignorance and hate — we need leaders who will be committed to equality, fairness and justice as they tackle the enormous challenges we face,” said O’Neill.


Contact: Caitlin Gullickson, media[at], 202-628-8669 ext 123