The police killing of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri is the latest horrific example of the crisis in racial justice that betrays our most fundamental principles of freedom, fairness and equality. How many more assaults on young men and women of color must we witness — how many more Trayvon Martins, Renisha McBrides, Jordan Davises, Rosan Millers, Marlene Pinnocks, and others unnamed but no less mourned by their families?
The National Organization for Women is dedicated to achieving an inclusive government that works for justice and equality for all of us, for African-Americans, gay and transgender individuals, undocumented immigrants and every target of bigotry and hatred, women and men alike.
Today, we all live in Ferguson.
NOW calls on the leaders of our country, from the President of the United States to the governor of Missouri to the mayor of Ferguson, to recognize this racialized violence for what it is — racism — and take action to end it.