Hillary Clinton Makes History First Woman to Win New Hampshire Primary

Tonight Senator Hillary Clinton defied the media pundit machine and made history as the first woman to win the New Hampshire Democratic primary for U.S. president.

The women of New Hampshire turned out in large numbers, and their votes helped Senator Clinton break another glass ceiling. NOW PAC is proud to be a part of this history-making campaign. We were one of the first organizations to endorse Clinton because we believe she is the best candidate to move our country forward, and New Hampshire Democrats agreed.

The United States needs strong, experienced and principled leadership to restore faith in our government and repair its credibility at home and abroad, and to end the destructive policies that have eroded women’s rights and civil liberties and increased injustice and inequality in our society.

Senator Clinton is just such a leader. She has a long history of support for women’s empowerment, and her public record is a testimony to her leadership on issues important to women in the U.S. and around the globe. She has eloquently articulated the need for full economic, political and social equality for women in every institution of society, taking action throughout her career — as a lawyer, community leader, First Lady, Senator and candidate for the presidency – to advance the civil and human rights of women and girls.

NOW leaders and activists volunteered in both Iowa and New Hampshire, giving their time and energy to turn out the women’s vote for Hillary Clinton. In her victory speech tonight, Senator Clinton said “We are in it for the long run.” Yes we are.


Contact: Caitlin Gullickson, media[at]now.org, 202-628-8669 ext 123