As lawmakers are set to debate proposals to “reform” the nation’s immigration laws next month, the National Coalition for Immigrant Women’s Rights (NCIWR) is continuing its mission, this time to educate Senate members and staff on the dire need to improve the lives of immigrant women living in the United States. NCIWR is a coalition of progressive, grassroots women’s organizations advocating for immigration reform legislation that ensures the rights of all immigrant women, and their families, living and working in U.S.
This is a critical time – right before legislation is set to move forward – when immigrant women’s voices must be heard now. George Bush wants to overhaul the current immigration law with a destructive “enforcement only” measure that includes increasing border security, forcing immigrants to go back to their home countries only to wait for re-entry, and pay thousands of dollars in fines and re-entry fees. What is not being mentioned in Congress or in the press is how the needs of immigrant women are not being discussed or addressed in current proposals.
NCIWR calls upon George Bush and all of Congress to support a comprehensive immigration bill that will incorporate the needs, hopes and dreams of immigrant women. The briefing will focus on the economic, safety, health and legal challenges facing immigrant women and their families, issues which have not been adequately brought before Congress and the press.
The National Coalition for Immigrant Women’s Rights briefs Senate Members and Staff
Courtney Chappell, Policy and Programs Director, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
Olga Vives, Vice President Executive, National Organization for Women
Joanne Lin, Senior Staff Attorney, Immigrant Women Program, Legal Momentum
Hannah Sin, Community Outreach Director, Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project
Aishia Glasford, Policy Analyst, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Monday, April 16, 2007
G-11 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Learn more:
NOW’s Principles for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Principios de NOW para una reforma integral de inmigración