CBS News Must Fact Check Tonight’s Debate

Statement of National NOW President Christian F. Nunes 

WASHINGTON, DC – CBS News, the network of Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow, was once known as the gold standard for network television, but the decision to leave real-time fact-checking to a ‘QR code’ tarnishes the ‘Tiffany network’s’ image and damages journalism. 

The network says it will be ‘up to the candidates’ to correct each other, but that just gives more license to lie.  CBS News should trust its anchors to add context where it’s needed, and correct disinformation when they—and we—hear it. And we know misogyny when we see it—personified in this election by J.D. Vance and Donald Trump. Vance’s toxic masculinity must not go unchallenged tonight because when real issues, impacting women, are on the line – we must get the facts right 

We’re not going to run to our TVs, snap a QR picture, and read a website while the debate is progressing.  But we are going to turn off CBS if they don’t take back this foolish decision. 


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