5…4…3…2…1 Get ready to upgrade your chapter and take it to even greater heights with Level Up NOW’s skill training sessions. From guidance on successful fundraising to best practices for enhancing engagement, we will ensure you have the tools and know-how necessary for your chapter to thrive. Bring your questions, pen, and paper to these courses because we are here to help elevate all our members to be the most effective leaders possible.
Your leadership and passion keep NOW’s intersectional feminist fight alive on a national scale. During these trainings, we will hone our abilities together to ultimately achieve the revolutionary impact that NOW is known for. Be sure to mark your calendars and get ready to Level Up NOW with us!
Already a member? Follow this link to register to attend.
Save the Date: Upcoming Training for 2023
May 20
Join NOW to Level Up your lobbying skills on May 20, 2023, at 1:00 ET with Christine Wood a Co-Director for the Declaration for American Democracy, a coalition of 260+ national and local organizations working to strengthen our democracy and protect our freedom to vote.
Want to attend, but not a member yet? Join NOW today and gain access to these member-only programs and many more.