Legal Momentum Helpline Tweet Chat Social Media Toolkit
March 9th|2-3 pm EST
This Tweet Chat Is focused on disseminating information about the helpline and its importance as a resource for women. Please join us by tweeting your questions and thoughts to @NationalNOW and @LegalMomentum or by retweeting our sample tweets below!

Twitter Handles:
- National Organization for Women — @NationalNOW
- President Toni Van Pelt: @tonivp
- Legal Momentum — @LegalMomentum
Hashtags: #LawFightsSexism
Sample Tweets:
- How often does the @LegalMomentum helpline receive calls for legal advice? @NationalNOW #LawFightsSexism
- What kinds of cases can @LegalMomentum provide assistance with? @NationalNOW #LawFightsSexism
- What prompted @NationalNOW to pursue a partnership with @LegalMomentum? @tonivp #LawFightsSexism
- @LegalMomentum is providing a free resource offering legal advice on sex discrimination at home, school, or in the workplace. SYMS Legal Momentum Helpline at (971)- 3 LEGAL-1
- .@NationalNOW is proud to be working with @LegalMomentum to help promote their sex discrimination helpline! Anyone seeking advice about sex discrimination in the workplace, school, or at home should call (971)- 3 LEGAL-1. #LawFightsSexism

- The @LegalMomentum Helpline is a great tool for women seeking legal advice on sex discrimination and inequality in the home, workplace, or at school. @NationalNOW is proud to support and promote this important resource! #LawFightsSexism