January 28 – 323 Days of COVID: The Lasting Impact on Women Panelists

Lisa J. Pino, MA, JD, Esq.
Lisa J. Pino is an attorney, public service executive, and former Obama appointee and national security official. Her experience includes serving as a Biden-Harris USDA Agency Review Team Transition member, and as Senior Counselor to Secretary Jeh C. Johnson of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on crisis management, pandemic, immigration, cybersecurity, and business affairs. Before DHS, she was also appointed by President Obama as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights, and Deputy Administrator of the SNAP program under the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. In the latter role, she led the nation’s largest nutrition assistance program during its highest growth period in history upon the recession as SNAP recipients grew from 33 to 46 million Americans and 17 million children.
She is a former community organizer and immigration advocate and has dedicated her career to ending poverty and creating opportunities for low-income children, individuals, women, and families of diverse backgrounds. Prior to her federal service, she worked in Arizona as a staff attorney for migrant farmworkers, an affordable housing advocate for predatory lending victims. Before returning to New York, she practiced immigration law as Counsel for Mayer Brown LLP in Washington, D.C. She is a native New Yorker and first-generation Latina of immigrant parents. She is currently the Executive Deputy Commissioner at the New York State Department of Health where her focus is the COVID-19 operational response for 19.5 million New Yorkers.

Ms. Fatima Goss Graves
Ms. Goss Graves has served in numerous roles at the National Women’s Law Center for more than a decade and has a distinguished track record working across a broad set of issues central to women’s lives—including income security, health, and reproductive rights, education access, and workplace justice. Ms. Goss Graves is among the co-founders of the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund, which connects those who experience sexual misconduct including assault, harassment, abuse, and related retaliation in the workplace or in trying to advance their careers with legal and public relations assistance. Prior to becoming President and CEO, she served as the Center’s Senior Vice President for Program, where she led the organization’s broad program agenda. Prior to that, as the Center’s Vice President for Education and Employment, she led the Center’s anti-discrimination initiatives, including work to promote equal pay, and address harassment and violence at work and in school, with a particular focus on outcomes for women and girls of color.
She is widely recognized for her effectiveness in the complex public policy arena at both the state and federal levels, regularly testifies before Congress and federal agencies, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and other public education forums. Ms. Goss Graves appears often in print and on-air as a legal expert on issues core to women’s lives, including in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, AP, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and NPR.