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Biographical information for Workshop Panel Members Appears on an Insert to the Program Booklet.

BREAKOUTS A – Friday, July 19, 10:45 a.m. – 12 Noon

ROOM: Wood Duck Pond

ERA 2020: The Minnesota Model

What can a ratified state do to take the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) over the Finish Line? And what actions can a state without a state ERA do to advance the ERA?

ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) aims to “Educate, Agitate & Activate” a sleeping electorate to finally pass the ERA. Because our greatest barrier to ratifying the ERA is education, we’ve devised a two-pronged approach aimed at garnering state & federal ERAs to finally achieve the goal of legalizing equality. Minnesota state’s ERA approach embraces intersectional language to ensure inclusivity of ALL into our state constitution; and we composed a Resolution to Congress to “Delete the Deadline” on the ERA that directly aligns with ERA bills in Congress. This workshop will provide cutting-edge multi-media illustrations and specific actions to advance both state and federal ERA’s – through the use of billboards, city and county resolutions, print/media coverage, focus ads, targeted districts, house parties, etc. – to roust the sleeping public. It is designed to motivate and to encourage cross-pollination of ideas so together we will make equal legal in 2020.

Rep. Rena Moran, Betty Folliard, Patty McDonald

ROOM: Cardinal Perch

Making Space for Young Activists

Two of our most outstanding young feminist leaders will lead a discussion about the importance of nurturing youth activism.  One speaker is the co-chair of the Young Feminist Task Force of Michigan NOW and the other is a high schooler who started a NOW chapter. Panelists will illustrate how to empower Gen Z in ways that can change the current political and cultural climate. One important path is to make space for young activists, affording them a wide-open opportunity to speak their minds. The panelists will provide a young activist toolbox for attendees. Feminists – of all ages — concerned about the need to grow the next generation activists should come to this discussion.

Ashika Kumar, Grace Haubert

ROOM: Owl Overlook

New to NOW? Learn About How We Work and How to Pass Resolutions

NOW proudly relies on our broad grassroots strength from a nationwide network of local chapters. While our national leaders have many responsibilities, all of NOW’s policies are formulated by NOW members at the annual National Conference. With this workshop, we will go over how to write a resolution, the two ways to submit a resolution (by issue hearing or petition), and all the nitty gritty details of how NOW is structured and how members play a vital role in the organization. This is a great learning experience for new members and a refresher for experienced members.

Marion Wagner, Bear Atwood, Jocelyn Morris, Bonnie Grabenhofer

ROOM: Hawks Ridge

Birth Strike: The Push for More Support for Women’s Work

A panel of three, including the author, will talk about the new book, Birth Strike: The Hidden Fight for over Women’s Work (PM Press). As the book shows, women face a crisis when we give birth and become responsible for the major share of child rearing. The U.S.  birth rate is the lowest it has been in more than three decades. With little access to childcare, family leave, health care, and with insufficient male participation, U.S. women may be headed towards a de facto strike against childbearing. Other countries underwrite childbearing with generous universal programs. Women are more than half of voters in this country, we have the power to demand that the U.S. join the rest of the world in supporting programs that truly reflect “family values.”

Jenny Brown, Hazel Levy, Candi Churchill

ROOM: White Pelican Bay

Everything You Need to Know About NOW Chapters

Are you a NOW state leader who wants to learn more about creating new chapters or a chapter officer who wants to learn more about national policy and procedures for chapters?  This workshop is designed to be a hands-on training session just for you. The workshop will cover convening/ deconvening chapters, rebate check eligibility, revision of the chapter portal, NOW CANs, grant opportunities, membership questions and best practices for avoiding conflict within your chapter. Helpful handouts will be provided and along with time for Q & A.

Lisa Seigel, Priscilla Aidoo, Supria Bhatia

ROOM: Mallard Point

Racial Justice in the Feminist Movement

This workshop will focus on creating awareness of racial inequity in the feminist movement and how it sets up barriers to inclusion of women of color and other marginalized groups in the feminist agenda. Focus will also be on sharing effective strategies and tools to dismantle bias, prejudice, and injustices within the feminist movement that we can use within our chapters and communities. This is planned as an open dialogue for workshop panel members to share their perspectives on racial justice in feminism, followed by an opportunity for workshop participants to ask questions. NOW Vice President Christian Nunes will moderate and pose questions to help stimulate the conversation. The remaining time will be dedicated to identifying and sharing practical and culturally responsive strategies, plus useful tools to improve racial justice within our feminist work/agenda.

Christian F. Nunes, Freda Mckee, Kolieka Seigle, Cheryl Wapes’a-Mayes, Anjali Mehrota

ROOM: Eagles Nest

How to Lobby Your Legislators – Promoting a Feminist Agenda.

If 2018 was all about electing good leaders, 2019 is about advancing our progressive agenda.  How do we do that? How can we influence policy? What does this look like, and what kind of power can citizen activists wield? Great questions. And our fantastic panelists will have even better answers. How can we push our feminist agenda forward? How can we best communicate with our representatives? What kind of power can individual citizen activists wield? More great questions. Our fantastic panel of local lobbyists will have even better answers. Panelists will provide action steps for individual citizen activists to take for communicating effectively with their representatives, navigating the policy process and the citizen’s role, and how to influence the policy being made, both at the local and state levels.

Grace Anderson, Kathleen Murphy, Kimberly Nelson, Emily Nachtigal

BREAKOUTS B -Friday, July 19, 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

ROOM: Blue Heron Colony

NOW’s Legislative Agenda – VAWA, Repro Rights, Workplace Safety, Pay Equity

With Democrats back in control of the U.S. House of Representatives, we can now push for adoption of our feminist agenda. This workshop will provide a quick overview of NOW’s Legislative Agenda and focus more closely on the “must pass” measures. At the top of that list, full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, with improvements. Also: critical bills that address sexual harassment such as the EMPOWER Act and the Be Heard Act, statutory protection of abortion rights in the Women’s Health Protection Act, paid sick/family leave in the FAMILY Act and other work/life balance bills, restoration of Title IX campus safety provisions by reversing the Trump administration’s harmful rule, Paycheck Fairness and many other pieces of legislation of importance for grassroots activists to move our agenda forward.   

Jan Erickson, Pat Reuss, Samantha Chen

ROOM: Eagles Nest

Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2019 – Overview of Equality-Building Legislation and Actions for 2019 and Beyond.

The NOW-endorsed Department of PeaceBuilding Act (H.R. 1111-Rep. Barbara Lee) has been introduced in every Congress since 2011. The legislation addresses the inherently violent patriarchal system and proposes needed corrections to patterns of inequality and injustice. The panel discussion will focus on how a cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding can help reduce violence domestically and internationally. Then panelists will propose the actions feminists can take in 2019 and beyond. We will encourage participants to contact their members of Congress and ask them to support this bill. Plus, we hope they will take this information to their local NOW chapter and other organizations, urging activists to lobby for this legislation. The intention is to create a bold action-taking culture for peace building and reduction of violence by initiating efforts to establish local Departments of Peace and other peacebuilding mechanisms.

Jerilyn Stapleton, Karen Johnson, Joyce Lee

ROOM: Wood Duck Pond

Using the NOW Chapter Portal – A Hands-On Demonstration

Are you a chapter leader who wants to learn more about our new chapter portal system? The online chapter portal is designed to help current chapter leaders gain access and be able to pull pertinent reports such as: membership lists and monthly transaction report. This workshop will also cover procedures to saving reports and updating chapter information. Having this information easily accessible will allow you to stay in communication with your members regarding their membership status and upcoming events. The transaction reports will give you a financial snapshot of your chapter. If you would like to learn more about the chapter portal system, please join us for this important workshop.

Supria Bhatia

ROOM: Mallard Point

How to Shift Narratives to Effect Change

How do women tell stories to shift narratives and effect change? Minnesota Women’s Press magazine has been telling women’s stories for 35 years. We’re bringing some of our strongest racial justice storytellers. Our vision: A stronger future is built from the collective energy of women. In this workshop, we share what we have learned about how to amplify and inspire the leadership of powerful, everyday women who recognize that we are all part of a greater whole. The intent of Minnesota Women’s Press diverse monthly themes and conversations is to shift narratives that we have wrong, or that we don’t talk about at all. In 2019, we explore themes of identity, trauma, feminism, end-of-life, transformation, and more. In the June issue, we examine how our foundation as a country has been built on ownership of people and resources, which inevitably leads to conflict and injustice. How are women leading pathways to systems that are more equitable and sustainable? For this workshop, we will bring some of our strongest racial justice storytellers to share their insights.

Mikki Morrisette, De’Vonna Pittman    

ROOM: White Pelican Bay

No More Band-Aids – Fixing How We Pay for Health Care

The health care system in the U.S. costs too much, does too little, and leaves too many people without access to affordable care. Health care for all is part of the greater social, economic, and racial justice movement. Women are central to addressing health justice. This presentation touches upon such topics as: the impact of our current system on individuals, families, businesses, and society by addressing the cost and quality of care in Minnesota and in the U.S., a short history of our employment-based health insurance system, efforts to contain costs, consequences of how we pay for health care. But, more importantly, the panel will propose principles of a comprehensive, affordable, high -quality health care system that covers everyone, the social, economic, and political forces that are the barriers to change, and finally, tools and methods for advocating for change. This presentation ends with a call to action.  

Anne C. Jones, Dana Koletar

ROOM: Owl Overlook

NOW’s Book Club — White Fragility, A Deep Dive into an Important Book

NOW Conference attendees are encouraged to read this critically acclaimed book, White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo (2018-Beacon Press), and participate in a frank discussion about racism, overt and unconscious. Amazon.com notes that, “In this “vital, necessary, and beautiful book”, antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility and “allows us to understand racism as a practice not restricted to ‘bad people” (Claudia Rankine). Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.” Written discussion guides will be provided. (Used copies of the book are available online beginning at $6.60.)

Toni Van Pelt, Sonia Ossorio

BREAKOUTS C – Saturday, July 20th, 10:45 a.m. – 12 Noon

Biographical information for Workshop Panelists follows Workshop Summaries

ROOM: Mallard Point

Using Social Media, SQL, Google Forms, and Mailchimp to Improve Political Action Committees PAC Operations

During the 2018 election, panelists saw a significant rise in interest among candidates in seeking endorsement from Arizona NOW and NOW. Such platforms and services as Facebook, Google Forms, Mailchimp, and MySQL/SQL enabled databases to support political candidates in recent elections. The purpose of this workshop is to increase the knowledge base of NOW members about the use of these tools and to specifically improve PAC operations of chapters, to support political candidates Political Action Committees have endorsed. This is an educational workshop that will enable feminists to take effective action by spreading the knowledge, teaching others in their community what they learned, and possibly finding improvements to the techniques presented. This workshop will be recorded for easy sharing and review.

David Ayodele, Sheila Ogea

ROOM: Eagles Nest

Making Your Feminism Intersectional: A Moderated Discussion.

The history of the modern feminist movement does not include the voices of all women, creating a need for restructuring some our advocacy to embrace a wider range of feminist thought and action. This moderated discussion will explore how to ensure that your feminism does not exclude certain groups of people. This will be a deeper exploration on intersectionality and how to make certain the feminist movement reaches out to all women. We would like to better inform feminists who may be unknowingly excluding women from their advocacy and activism, and as a result, hindering their chapters from becoming more diverse and inclusive. This work is essential to the growth of NOW and the modern feminist movement.

Samantha Pearson, Krishna Rami

ROOM: Wood Duck Pond

The Run Like a Girl 5K: – Engaging Local Feminists Through Large Events.

The Run Like a Girl 5K is hosted by the Minneapolis/St Paul chapter, and raises money for Women Winning, an organization that helps elect pro-choice women to public office. This workshop will provide an overview of the history and planning process for the Run Like a Girl 5K, an annual event in its third year. Last year, the Run raised $10,000 for Women Winning and engaged over 650 participants. The program featured Cecile Richards, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, and several candidates and incumbents holding public office locally. This session aims to encourage participants to “think big” with event planning and share the many benefits of throwing large events, including relationship building with other local organizations, broader scope and engagement with the feminist community that may not be NOW members, and sharpening activists’ fund-raising skills.

Marquita Oleson, Elise Becker

ROOM: Owl Overlook

Effective Messaging for Feminist Candidates and Activists.

Designed to amplify the voice of feminist candidates and activists, this workshop will teach attendees how to effectively harness the power of their voice, craft a compelling message, target messages to specific audiences, educate without being preachy, and communicate with confidence that shows. Attendees will be given the tools needed to bring these skills and abilities back to their own communities teach similar workshops. All who attend will receive handouts and access to a PowerPoint that they can personalize for their geographic area.

Cindy Wolfe Boynton, Jacqueline Kozin, Nina Ahmad

ROOM: White Pelican Bay

Think Global, Act Local! Global Feminist Organizing for Reproductive Justice

Feminism’s commitment to women’s human rights, equality and justice has no borders and women must unite worldwide to advance reproductive justice. We will share specific examples of how NOW chapters and states are building sisterhood and solidarity around intersectional reproductive justice organizing:  End the global/U.S. gag rules; expand women’s health equity projects from menstrual equity to all women’s maternal well-being; implement women’s human rights from CEDAW; and gender-based violence such as missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. The workshop also features report-backs from our recent Women’s Health & Human Rights Delegation to Cuba, U.N. Commission on Status of Women meetings and NOW’s Global Feminist Issues and Strategies ask Force. Learn how thinking globally and acting locally deepens our feminist intersectional analysis and movement-building actions!

Jan Strout, Anjali Mehrota, Kolieka Seigle

ROOM: Blue Heron Colony

Creating Community Activism: A Conversation with RISE and WOW Network

Muslim and East African women need to take positions of leadership and make their voices heard so that equitable solutions that benefit all are created. Minneapolis-based RISE (Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment) and WOW Network (Women Organizing Women Network) engage Muslim and East African women in civic leadership and activism. Both organizations provide a platform to amplify the voice and power of Muslim and East African leaders having a social justice impact in our society. Through building networks and offering workshops and events focused on leadership development and community engagement, RISE and WOW Network create an environment where women can advocate on matters of policy, run for political office, be elected, and participate meaningfully in every facet of civic and political life. Moderated by Mary’s Pence, the Executive Director of WOW Network, and the Advocacy Director of RISE.

Robyn Browning, Asma Mohammed, Habon Abdulle

BREAKOUTS D – Saturday, July 20, 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

ROOM: Owl Overlook

Going #VIRAL – Power of Social Media:  Using It Effectively

Movements such as #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo have demonstrated the power of social media. Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter — though must-haves for political engagement — can also be used to spread disinformation. This workshop will focus on effective and responsible use of Facebook and Twitter to amplify your activism. While many NOW members are already using Facebook and Twitter, this workshop will provide tips on elevating their message. At the same time, we will discuss the pitfalls of slacktivism and focus on using social media in a responsible manner: Facebook – effective content creation – create events, pages and use Facebook Live to livestream.
Twitter – use of Tweetdeck, Twitter Storms and Thunderclap for issue-based campaigns

Kimberly Hayes, NOW’s press secretary, will present information of special assistance to chapter activists – the structure of writing and pitching – Letters to the Editors, Op-eds, Press Statements, Media Advisories for Events, Calendar Notices for daybook and social media content for fund-raisers, rallies, GOTV and other grassroots activities.

Anjali Mehrota, Julianna “Jules” Luna, Kimberly Hayes

ROOM: Blue Heron Colony

The Moral Case for Abortion

The majority of Americans identify with a religious tradition.  If reproductive health services are to truly address the need of patients, clinicians must leave space for the beliefs and practices of those who come seeking those services as well as the clinicians who hold faithful prochoice views. In the charged environment in which clinics deliver these critical services, much attention has focused on providers who refuse to provide services, but many choose to provide abortions because of their faith, rather than in spite of it. The challenges that service providers face in trying to recruit, motivate and retain providers in the field as well as the stigma patients face in seeking abortions is reaching crisis proportions. This workshop will explore the moral dimension of abortion care in an effort to reduce the stigma that providers and patients experience and counteract the tremendous toll on abortion providers. It aims to create a novel dialogue about compassionate care and the ethics of abortion.

This workshop is credited to Catholics for Choice.

Glenn Northern, Dr. Margaret Baum, Mary Pinkes, Amy Hagstrom Miller

ROOM: Mallard Point

Before the Big or Small Event or So You Want to Organize a March.

This workshop will provide you with a road map for organizing successful events. Skilled organizers will conduct an interactive session where attendants will gain skills in how to organize small to large events. The presenters have experience organizing women’s marches, statewide and regional conferences, and educational events large and small. Panelists will provide tips for organizing weekly events. Attendees will have time to work on their own event ideas in small groups, getting input from others if they want.

Gailya Paliga, Audrey Muck

ROOM: White Pelican Bay

Pushing Forward:  Advancing the ERA in 2019 and Beyond

The fight for the ERA pushed forward this year with some victories and sadly some defeats in key states. This workshop will bring together activists who have been working on the ground to ratify the ERA in their home states to discuss what worked, didn’t work, and current strategies. Renowned activists discuss current and future strategies to advance the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in a 38th state and how you, your local chapter, or your community can get involved to help advance constitutional equality for women. We will have action guides for what people in states that have already ratified the ERA can do to get involved and help support. Also, included will be educational components to help activists to become trainers to discuss the ERA in their local communities plus digital action kits for online resource sharing. 2020 should be the year that we finally succeed in getting that 38th state to ratify the ERA!

Jeri Burton, Sen. Pat Spearman, Diane Post, Del. Hala Ayala

ROOM: Wood Duck Pond

Using the NOW Chapter Portal – A Hands-On Demonstration

Are you a chapter leader who wants to learn more about our new chapter portal system? The online chapter portal has been designed to help current chapter leaders gain access and be able to pull pertinent reports such as: membership lists and monthly transaction report. This workshop will also cover procedures to saving reports and updating chapter information. Knowing this information will allow to stay in communication with your members regarding their membership status and upcoming events. The transaction reports will allow you to see a financial snapshot of your chapter. If you would like to learn more about the chapter portal system, please join us for this workshop.

Supria Bhatia

BREAKOUTS E – Saturday, July 20, 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

ROOM: Owl Overlook

Elevating Survivor Voices & Defending VAWA

Learn the ins and outs of creating a campaign to build survivor leadership and fight for a strong Violence Against Women Act. In partnership with chapters across our state, New York NOW held Women’s Town Halls in five counties to collect powerful testimony from over 75 organizations and survivors to make the undeniable case for preserving a strong Violence Against Women Act. The combination of on-the-ground storytelling and digital organizing resulted in a compelling report and an advocacy tool for action – SurvivorStoriesNOW.org – that we will continue to use until our Congress reauthorizes VAWA.  We’ll also cover other key initiatives in New York including our campaigns to Take Rape Seriously, end the statute of limitations on rape, challenge sexual harassment, and get local pro-choice women candidates elected.

Sonia Ossorio, Jean Bucaria

ROOM: Cardinal Perch

Engaging and Fun Ideas to Build Chapter Activism

Attendees of this workshop will be given new ideas to increase chapter activism. The Minnesota Valley NOW Chapter has tried many of these ideas in their community, and has found them to be effective, engaging – and sometimes, fun! Attendees of this workshop will be given ideas to increase chapter activism. The Minnesota Valley NOW Chapter has tried many of these ideas in their meetings and in their community, and has found them to be effective, engaging – and sometimes, fun! Actions could include: Brainstorming session around the six core Issues; Letter writing campaigns; Breakout groups that focus on one or more of our core issues; Guest speakers from DV shelters or other feminist group or elected officials. Also to be considered: Auction of one item per meeting to increase engagement and the bank balance;  Arranging rides for elderly activists or persons with disabilities who might not otherwise be able to attend and, very important, outreach to local high schools to determine if there is a feminist club and offer to have chapter members present  – or if they would like help to form NOW Young Feminist task force.

Joan Hicks Boone, Barbara Mahowald

ROOM: White Pelican Bay

Medicare for All is a Feminist Issue

This workshop highlights and builds advocacy skills around the national movement for Medicare for All, placing special emphasis on overcoming framing of Medicare for All that marginalize and render invisible the very communities that it would benefit most. During the first part of this workshop, facilitators will quickly review how HR 1384, the Medicare for All Act, breaks down discriminatory barriers in health care, prioritizes a concern for the indissoluble link between the social determinants of health and health outcomes, and has historic implications for women’s reproductive rights and control over their bodies. During the second part, participants will be introduced to basic tips and tactics for having challenging conversations about health care policy with their neighbors, communities, Members of Congress, and other legislators. Through participatory exercises, participants will learn easy, practical, and effective ways to respond to frequently asked questions concerning Medicare for All and, specifically, its impact on women. During the final part of this workshop, participants will engage in interactive training exercises to learn specific techniques and strategies for successfully advocating for Medicare for All with their Members of Congress and other legislators.

Kelly Coogan-Gehr, Jean Ross, Geri Katz, Amirah Sequeira

ROOM: Wood Duck Pond

VA ERA Ratification and the U.S. Constitution

Does the United States need an ERA? How and what should we learn from other nations? Where we need to go from here?  This is an important ERA ratification and U.S. Constitution discussion with Comparative Constitutional Law Professor Julie Suk and Virginia Senator ERA Co-sponsor Jennifer McClellan. Does the U.S. need an ERA? Grassroots efforts for ERA ratification are at an all-time high since the 1982 deadline. A half dozen states are trying to be the 38th State and last state needed to ratify. Other states are working toward putting sex equality in their state constitutions. Across the U.S., NOW, Feminist Majority, ERA Coalition and other organizations are working to have the U.S. Congress remove the 1972 time limit for ratification. Activists need a good basis to advocate and address questions and attacks. The Twenty-first Century is here; “simply recognize the need to bring our political, economic, and social institutions up-to-date with how twenty-first century people of all genders live, work, and raise the next generation.” (J Suk, 28 Yale J.L. & Feminism 381)

Sen. Jennifer McClellan, Kobby Hoffman, Julie Suk

ROOM: Mallard Point

Innovative Program for Young Adults – RIGHTS NOW!

With the support of the NYC Council’s Young Women’s Initiative grant, Legal Momentum (formerly NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund) expanded its work in educational programs about sexual assault, dating violence, and domestic violence prevention for young women and girls in New York City and created RIGHTS NOW!- Recognizing/Preventing Sexual Violence and Promoting Healthy Relationships for Young Adults.  Since the Program’s inception in 2017, they have hired and trained 16 peer educators who have presented the RIGHTS NOW! curriculum throughout New York City. One of the key goals/objectives of NOW’s Racial Justice Committee is to address ending violence against women of color.  In that regard, it is clear that preventing sexual assault and domestic violence against women and girls and promoting healthy relationships cannot be fully successful without engaging men and boys. Therefore, the program plans to start by working with organizations in the Philadelphia area who have men who are trainers of healthy masculinity and use our learning from the RIGHTS NOW curriculum. Come hear about this wonderful effort.

Carol Baldwin Moody, Nina Ahmad

ROOM: Blue Heron Colony

NOW’s Book ClubSo You Want to Talk About Race, A User-Friendly Guide

A New York Times best-seller, So You Want to Talk About Race, is described by Salon.com as “Generous and empathetic, yet usefully blunt…it’s for anyone who wants to be smarter and more empathetic about matter of race and engage in more productive anti-racist action,” Conference attendees are encouraged to read this wonderful book by Ijeoma Oluo (Hachette Book Group, 2018). Amazon.com writes, “Widespread reporting on aspects of white supremacy–from police brutality to the mass incarceration of African Americans–have made it impossible to ignore the issue of race. How do you explain white privilege to your white, privileged friend?”  National Book Review writes, “In So You Want to Talk About Race, Oluo gives us–both white people and people of color–that language to engage in clear, constructive, and confident dialogue with each other about how to deal with racial prejudices and biases.” For this session, written discussion guides will be provided and facilitators will help move the dialogue along so that everyone has a chance to listen and to be heard, (Used copies available online beginning at $6.65.)

Facilitators – Barbara Miller, Christian F. Nunes