2018-2020 National Board Election Candidates
Eastern District — Delaware, District of Columbia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia
Beth Corbin – Mount Rainier, Maryland
If re-elected I will continue to work to revitalize NOW chapters and state organizations. Over the past two years we have increased the number of NOW chapters in the Eastern District, with startup’s, new chapters and revitalized chapters in seven of our nine states. In 2015 I won a hotly contested race to fill a vacancy on the board. In 2016 I won re-election to my first full term. Since joining the board, I’ve served on the Criminalization of Trauma committee, and was recently asked to serve on the Combating Racism committee. I’m proud of what we have done, and with your support I look forward to continuing this important work. I am pleased to report that NOW began 2018 in very good financial shape. A “Trump bump” in 2017 allowed us to end the year with a surplus in our bank account, but we cannot count on this to continue indefinitely. I want to assure you that I will continue to keep an eye on the financial health of our organization. I support the strategy our new officers made to use NOW’s resources to uplift our grassroots. I pledge to be a good steward of NOW’s funds, NOW members expect no less. During the most recent election in Virginia I volunteered to help GOTV for NOW member and feminist candidate Hala Ayala, who WON!! As we head into the 2018 mid-term elections I will work with NOW activists in our district to increase support for feminist candidates. We must work to take back control of the House and Senate! The current leaders in Congress have actively worked to take rights away from women, LGBTQ people and people of color. We must stop this erosion of our basic civil rights!
I’m happily married to Amy Hummel Corbin, a wonderful partner I met through NOW. I was once fired for being a lesbian, so LGBTQ civil rights are very important to me. I came into NOW over the issue of reproductive justice and I fully support safe and legal abortion – without apology! As someone with physical limitations I understand the needs of people with disabilities and I will strongly advocate on this issue. I also strongly support the ERA, and I am deeply concerned about the violence and discrimination women and girls face – specifically African American and Latina women, and other women of color. And we must do all we can to end institutional racism that plagues our country. I’m a relentless multi-issue feminist! Over my 30 years in NOW I have held the positions of chapter president, state executive vice president, state president and national board member. I have also worked at the national NOW Action Center, so I understand NOW and how we work! I will always advocate in NOW’s best interests, and the best interests of women and girls. We have made significant progress in my lifetime, but there is still much work to do. I ask for your support!
Heartland District — Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Gina Austin-Fresh – Wichita, Kansas
I have been a NOW member since the mid eighties. I am an active member of my Wichita Chapter. I have served on the National Board. I co-wrote a play called “Radiating Like a Stone” about the experiences of Kansas Women. I have participated in many theatrical presentations that focus on women’s issues. My main issues are the ERA and Reproductive Freedom.
Barbara Miller – Peoria, Illinois
I am from Peoria, IL, and currently serve on the Board for the first time. I am coming to the end of my first two-year term. It has been an honor to represent the Heartland District for these two years and I am seeking to continue for one more two-year term. During these past two years, I have learned a lot about how the Board works and served as a member of the ERA Committee. I requested appointment to this Committee because I consider the ERA to be of central importance to the feminist agenda. Other issues and principles I consider to be very important are diversity, intersectionality, and working with marginalized persons. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, recently retired. The first part of my career, I was the Executive Director of an area agency on aging, which was a planning agency for services for older people with a budget of over $1 million. Then, I decided to get out from behind the desk and work more closely with people, at which time I became the Social Worker for a free health clinic serving poor people. I held this position for about 18 years, working with a very diverse population in terms of race and ethnicity, religion and culture, language and level of education.
As part of my commitment to diversity, in the past, I organized a group of equal numbers of white women and women of color according to an “Unlearning Racism” model. The group met regularly to share experiences, confronting racism together, and developed workshops that were so successful they were funded by NOW. In my community, I have been involved with peace and justice groups throughout my adult life, recognizing the affect each issue has on the others, i.e. intersectionality. These range from domestic violence, environmental degradation, animal rights, poverty, hunger, abortion rights, opposition to war, etc. – it’s hard to think of them all. I am committed to NOW as a grassroots organization and believe that the grassroots is NOW’s strength. I have been a leader at the grassroots, both at the local and state levels. I have served as the President or co-President of my local chapter for over twenty years, so I am intimately aware of what it takes to operate a chapter.
At the state level, I have been the Illinois President and in other Board positions, including several years as Treasurer. I am currently the Illinois Vice President of Action. If elected, one of my goals will be to establish regular communication with the Presidents of state chapters throughout the Heartland District. We have a large District with lengthy travel distances between some of our states. We need to consider how to arrange the most effective representation possible, to which I am fully committed.
Jocelyn Morris – Fort Leonard, Missouri
NOW: served on the NOW Global Feminist Strategies and Issues National Committee, 2007; currently serving on the NOW National Combating Racism Committee 2008 -2018 (Chair 2010 – 2017) to present. Also served on the NOW National Conference Planning Committee 2014-16; 2016: VP Missouri NOW • Coordinated the NOW 2012 Conference Sexual Trafficking Workshop NOW Life member June 2009 • Served on the NOW PAC, and Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline committees. Other Qualifications: (Fund raiser) Published a Soul Food Cook for the Afro-Culture Workshop in the Philippines in 1970 and again 2003 for Blacks in Government in Missouri • Program Director, Phila., PA., YWCA, Non-Traditional Jobs for Women, 1976 BA Degree in Human Services, Antioch University, 1985; Rutgers Law School one semester, 1986, Paralegal Certification, Barclay College, Sacrament Calif. 1986 Civilian Employee of the U.S. Army, 23 years, retiring 30 Apr 2010, • 72 year old Black Female • My passion has always been working for “Equality for Women” and defending our US Constitution and includes efforts to correct imbalances in our culture in the US and around the planet which affect women and minorities in jobs and society. I believe along with my history with NOW; and more then 45+ years working for Women’s Equality, I will also be an asset for the National Board of the ACLU. I also have work experience in the Commercial Banking Industry.
Northern District — Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Jacqueline Kozin – New Haven, Connecticut
Si se puede! That is what carries my work whenever I work on any team, working toward a victory. In 2013, I was appointed to the NOWPAC board, on which I continue to serve today. First elected to the NOW board in 2015, I have served as chair of the ERA Committee as part of the National Action Program’s efforts to bring true equality to women by working on the passage of the ERA. (We are getting closer!!) I have been fortunate to have a successful record of winning races and successfully led the race to elect and re-elect Connecticut’s first openly gay constitutional officer, Comptroller Kevin Lembo. After working with Comptroller Lembo for 8 years, I decided to embark on a new challenge recently joining Ned Lamont’s campaign for governor as his political director to ensure a true progressive who believes in equality for women is leading the policymaking in the state. In 2016, I launched and led Hillary Clinton’s primary grassroots campaign in Connecticut—successfully winning the state for HRC. Working closely with Gaye Bruhn and Bonnie Grabenhofer on NOWPAC’s MsPresidentNOW campaign, I did a lot of outreach to NOW Members in New England to volunteer as well as organized caravans to go to New Hampshire to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
After the awful election outcome and I was finally able to leave my bed, I threw myself into organizing over 80 buses from Connecticut to Washington DC for the Women’s March. It was a good way to grieve and show the world, Si Se Puede! And this past year, I continued to organize by coordinating the Women’s March in Hartford, Connecticut. As a way to build the bench of women positioned to run for higher office in Connecticut, I founded Ella’s List, a PAC focused on providing financial support and strategic advice to Democratic women running at the municipal level. In its inaugural year of 2017, the PAC endorsed 31 candidates, 21 of which won election. Again showing the world, si se puede! As North District board member, I am proud to have established a New Hampshire NOW chapter, and continue to work on getting chapters up and going in Vermont and Maine. With my North District NOW board sisters, Michele Hamilton and Judi Polson, I have worked to establish a better informed and connected North District. Quarterly conference calls and in person chapter leader meetings are 2 examples of helping NOW members and leaders to be more engaged with what’s happening at the national level.
I would be honored to serve my North District sisters and brothers for a second term and would like to work on membership recruitment efforts to attract more young women as well as women of color. NOW needs to continue to use intersectional feminism as the core of all it does. You’ve got to see it to be it. It would mean the world to me to have your support. Together, si se puede!!!
Judi Polson – New York City, New York
Since 2016 I have been honored to help represent NOW’s Northern District on the National Board. I take this responsibility seriously and worked with Jacqueline and Michelle to hold conference calls among Chapter leadership in the District, ourselves, and National leadership. I have contributed to multiple Board committees, including 2 National Action Campaigns: End the Criminalization of Trauma and Advance Voting Rights. I have brought new ideas to National, including the concept of a unified communication strategy.
My personal history: It’s been a long road, starting from my childhood on a farm in rural Missouri, to a sub-minimum-wage job in Kansas, to project management in North Carolina (where I first joined NOW) and New York City (where I was honored of join the Board of NOW-NYC and later, NOW-NYS). I’ve worked for 36 years in the private sector in the testosterone-sodden field of technology (with significant periods of unemployment along the way). I continue to challenge my current employer, up to the C-suite level, to address gender bias—I’m happy to share the details in person.
My platform: #Resist and #Persist! I am passionate about NOW’s multi-issue, multi-strategy approach driving allyship and coalition-building, and have been involved in every issue in NOW’s scope. Having escorted at clinics in the Bronx even during ferocious New York winters, I am deeply passionate about reproductive rights. I view economic independence as the most reliable and flexible form of power available to us and have made my focus pay equity and the livable wage. I’ve lobbied Senators, Congressional Representatives, and NY state representation face-to-face. In this time of open hostility toward women, each of us is called upon to do our best work and be our best selves. I thank you for your past support and welcome the opportunity to continue this important work. I ask for and appreciate your vote.
Myra Terry – Springfield, New Jersey
I am committed to learning from the past to change the future especially in the area of TOTAL INCLUSIVENESS. I will leverage my extensive experience to increase NOW’s membership and visibility in this era of intersectional feminism and the Me Too movement. I pledge to support and respect young women and women of color who are the future of feminist leadership. I am committed to making this a priority in all aspects of NOW. I am running for the national board of NOW at a time when I can be available, active, and supportive of our district, all of its present and future members and bring my strengths to NOW.
For over 40 years I have worked on the local and state level to champion issues that successfully changed laws, attitudes and influenced government decisions. My activism started in 1971 with networking to organize the early Union County NOW chapter in New Jersey. I continued by serving as the President of Essex County NOW and then went on to serve on the state level as the President of NOW NJ from 1992-1995 where I chaired the Presidents’ Caucus. Presently I serve on the National NOW PAC. During my NOW-NJ Presidency, I led the way on issues impacting women’s lives, working for the passage of legislation such as: the forty-eight hour legislation allowing women and their babies to remain in the hospital two days after delivery; the Rape Shield laws; complete medical coverage for people with breast cancer; and New Jersey sexual harassment guidelines. In 1995, I used my knowledge of fundraising and networking to found the Women’s Fund of New Jersey and served as its CEO until 2008. I brought in millions of dollars for 17 groups including the NOW NJ Foundation. As an ardent supporter of LGBTQ, I made significant contributions to fundraising efforts to ensure marriage rights in 2010 as Vice Chair of Garden State Equality.
Recently, in 2017, I organized leaders from Union County to successfully restart our Union County NOW chapter with 100 women attending our first meeting where we prioritized electing diverse and young leadership. Besides resurrecting Union County NOW, I recently founded Emerge NJ, where we train, inspire and mentor Democratic women to run for office. I am thrilled to be considered for the national board to bring my greatest strengths to expand the success of NOW: my strong ability to bring women together to brainstorm, plan and take action in new ventures with the ultimate goal, a truly equal society. Now more than ever is the time to use my skills to work with you, to make NOW the best ever.
Pacific District — Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington
Nancy Campbell Mead – Depoe Bay, Oregon
BACKGROUND: Senior (retired) Circuit Court Judge. Attorney – retired. Primary convenor and Past President of Central Oregon Coast NOW in 2012 (membership exceeds 150). Oregon NOW Board Member (2013 – present). Current NOW (national) Board Member. NOW PAC Board Member. Recognized as 2016 Oregon Woman of Achievement by Oregon Governor Kate Brown and the Oregon Commission for Women. I believe my experiences forming and growing a local NOW chapter, serving on a state NOW board, and serving on the national NOW Board under two Presidents, well-qualify me to serve another term representing the Pacific District on the NOW Board . I have a good understanding of the interworkings of NOW and NOW’s history. As a NOW Board member, I have served on both the Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and the Mobilize for Reproductive Justive Action Committees; I have also served on the Grievance Committee.
Additionally, I presented at the 2015 NOW Conference on “The Cradle to Prison Pipeline”, focusing on the rapid growth of the number of women behind bars, particularly women of color. One of my goals if elected to serve another term on the NOW Board will be to improve communication with NOW members in the Pacific District. I believe there is less communication now that we have districts rather than regions, and I will work to remedy that, at least within the Pacific District. It is especially important to improve communications with members in our more remote states of Alaska and Hawaii.
Another goal of mine is to help form at least one (hopefully, more) NOW chapter in Hawaii; Hawaii is the only state in the Pacific District without any chapters. It is at the chapter level that the grassroots work of NOW gets done, and I believe that helping Hawaii NOW members form chapters will increase NOW membership in Hawaii, and help Hawaii members activate and feel more a part of NOW.
I look forward to serving another two year term as a NOW Board Member representing the Pacific District. I also look forward to hearing from NOW members in our District of ways I can better serve you. Thank you for your vote.
John Erickson – West Hollywood, California
I am a Ph.D. Candidate in American Religious History at Claremont Graduate University where I am finishing up my dissertation tentatively titled “Step Sons and Step Daughter”: Chosen Communities, Religion, and LGBT Liberation.” I was the first man to be accepted into and graduate from Claremont Graduate University with an MA in Applied Women’s Studies and proudly have another MA in Women’s Studies in Religion and a BA in English and Women’s Studies. In 2017, I was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown as to the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls and was the first man to be appointed to the commission. In addition to the commission, I proudly serve as the President of the Hollywood Chapter for the National Organization for Women, where we have been leading the way as both a political, policy and special events based on empowering and bettering the lives of women and girls from all walks of life.
Most recently, Hollywood NOW produced the Vagina Monologues in February for the second year and raised over $5,000 for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and engaged the surrounding community via the 500 people that attended the event. I serve as a Boardmember for the City of West Hollywood’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board and was elected to the Board of the ACLU of Southern California. In 2017, I co-founded the digital publication the Engaged Gaze and contribute regularly to a number of online publications on the topics of LGBTQ history, feminism, masculinity studies, and American religious history.
In April 2017, I was the first openly gay athlete to be inducted into the Wisconsin Volleyball Conference Hall of Fame. One of my proudest accomplishments was that I was one of the main organizers of the Women’s March Los Angeles on January 20, 2017, that brought together 750,000 people to Downtown Los Angeles as well as in 2018 that took place on January 20, 2018, bringing together 650,000 people. In addition to my community organizing around women’s issues, I was also a coordinator for the #ResistMarch on June 11, 2017, that brought together 100,000 people to the City of West Hollywood. I worked for the City of West Hollywood as the Community Events Technician and the City Council Deputy to Councilmember Abbe Land.
Additionally, I had the great privilege to serve as the President of the West Hollywood Municipal Employees Union (WEHOME), AFSCME Local 3339, AFL-CIO. I am a passionate advocate for equality, inclusion, action, and advocacy and have a strong background in organizing, policy, and political advocacy.
I have made it a personal and chapter priority to both engage new members in our community post-2016 to create a groundswell for change as well as refocus our internal attention to chapter infrastructure, fundraising, and community engagement. I would like to take my knowledge and expertise and add it to the National NOW Board and help push forward the mission of NOW into 2018 and beyond.
Sinuon Hem – Tacoma, Washington
Presently, Mrs. Sinuon Hem is working for Asia Pacific Cultural Center as a Youth Program Manager providing Social Services for At Risk-Youth in High School and drop-out students through assisting, coach, and guide young people toward high school graduation and guides them to pursue post-secondary education career & vocational education and other short –term careers. My lifelong career has been working to improve the life of young people, women, single parents, and advocates for our youth for the last 31 years. I’m totally committed in community Volunteer Services in advocating for the less unfortunate people and strongly believes in higher education for all people to combat the cycle of poverty that can prevent generation of poverty. I believe in getting involved in building strong coalitions and advocating for better policies with State and Federal levels.
Earned Technical Art in Human Services in 1992 from Tacoma Community College. Then, decided to enter evening classes at Evergreen State College in the Fall of 1992, while I was pregnant, working full-time and gave birth to my older son Benjamin Joyce during the first year of College and was determined to continue with my education and graduated in Urban Development & Minor in Psychology in Bachelor of Art Degree in 1995. Then decided to pursue a Master Degree in Education Guidance &Counseling through City University in the Fall of 1995 and graduated in 1997. Still working full-time while studying for my Master Degree.
Presently, I’m the president of the Cambodian Women Networking Association and former president of the Cambodian Assistance Foundation and Founder of English Education Project in Cambodia at 6 Provinces and presently providing English Education to over 1,700 and graduated over 2,000 students during the last 6 years and have 15 teachers at various Provinces. Founder of Khmer Language & Classical Dance for 45 Khmer children with 3 Khmer teachers, 3-5 classical teachers in Tacoma WA. I’m a 2nd term Board of Director for National Organization for Women with over 2 million memberships nationwide. A Treasure for State of WA NOW and City of Tacoma NOW Chapter and member of Women of Vision. Cambodian Community Council of Washington, Pierce County Asian Pacific Islanders Coalition of Washington and United Cambodian Development Association. I’m interested in running for the 3rd term for NOW Board of Director.
MonaLisa Wallace – San Francisco, California
After graduating from Stanford Law School in 1995, I opened my first law office in the Women’s Building in San Francisco, a sublet from my local SFNOW chapter. Serving many roles over the years, including two terms as San Francisco NOW president, two terms on the CANOW board and three terms on the National NOW board. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to share not only my civil rights legal knowledge but my deep personal commitment to the needs of women and girls, including peace, the environment, food sovereignty, economic equality, health and access to justice.
I have the honor of drafting several national resolutions on many of these issues over the years. It is truly an honor to be an active part of NOW’s progressive leadership. As a busy mom and business owner, I am aware it takes a big investment of time and attention to serve on the NOW board. I take this obligation on with careful consideration and my eyes wide open. When Gilda asked me to run again, she made me feel truly appreciated and I want her to know I appreciate her devotion very much too. I realized I have worked hard on several projects that I would like to continue to fruition. I ask that you support my candidacy to continue my work on equality, sanctuary law, abortion rights, environmental protection, food sovereignty, label laws, privacy and more. I have experience and knowledge about nonprofit best practices as well as the subject matter of our mission. I feel that my role on the board is especially valuable because I am able to share those skills with the board members. In the most recent in person board meeting, I successfully drafted and earned board approval for a resolution divesting NOW banking assets from Wall Street’s fossil fuel invested banks. I am grateful to be a part of an extended family and community of feminists sharing the burden of the struggle towards equality for women and girls. Thank you for this opportunity.
Cheryl Wapes’a-Mayes – Puyallup, Washington
Cheryl Wapes’a-Mayes is an Urban Indian who was born and raised in Western Washington State. As an enrolled member of the Assiniboine/Sioux Tribe at Fort Peck Reservation, Montana, she has spent a great deal of her early adult life becoming educated in her culture which led to her life’s choice for a career.
During a thirty-one year career as a Native American educator, Cheryl has been an advocate for not just Native American rights, but civil rights for all peoples of color. That is evident in the curriculum she has developed to make students of color more aware of their histories and how those histories have shaped the world they live in today.
Cheryl has organize many events and contributed to gatherings at the Native American school she has taught at. Before the annual Culture Day, her culture classes contributed to the making of beaded necklaces and other Native inspired gifts to hand out to elders. A few years ago, Cheryl participated in Canoe Journey as the teacher of record for the youth who took part in the 10-day paddle.
Cheryl has also helped organize multicultural events in which Tacoma’s sister city, George, South Africa sent delegates for a cultural exchange. The occasion was well received by the Native students who were able to share their songs and dances and was reciprocated by the guests from South Africa. Another event Cheryl organized is Notable Native Women, in which several young Native women researched and presented, in front of an audience, a Native woman who has made great contributions to Indian Country.
Cheryl is currently the Tacoma NOW president and her major goal is to recruit young women of all ethnicities and backgrounds. She was involved in the collaboration of Tacoma NOW and Women of Vision where an event was held to honor Judie Fortier by protesting at the ICE Detention Center in Tacoma, WA followed by a memorial. This was one of Judie’s passions – to help immigrants and it has become Cheryl’s passion, as well. An annual event that Cheryl is involved in planning is an art contest at Chief Leschi Schools. For the past fifteen years, Tacoma NOW has made it possible for high school students to not only exhibit their artwork but compete for recognition.
As a NOW member, Cheryl has been involved in the Women’s Marches, as well as March for our Lives. NOW issues that she is prioritizing are reproductive justice, protect immigrants’ rights, LGBTQIA rights and sexual assault and violence against women. When a social issue interferes with civil rights, Cheryl is willing to put forth the energy to support those whose rights are being denied and she has the passion and drive to empower women.
Cheryl is married and the mother of a son, daughter and stepson and grandmother of a grandson and two granddaughters.
Southern District — Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee
Bear Atwood – Terry, Mississippi
I am excited, as a NOW leader, to ask for your vote for a seat on the National Board as a representative of the Southern District. I have served NOW at every level of the organization. I have served on the National Board and the National NOW PAC. I was President of NOW-NJ and Shore Area NOW. Currently, I am working to revitalize the state chapter of NOW in Mississippi. As the President of NOW in Mississippi I have worked to roll back a state “religious freedom” law that is really a license to discriminate against the LGBTQIA+ community. I am also on the rapid response legal team that responds to allegations of discrimination under this law.
Mississippi NOW is part of a coalition of women’s organizations working to pass a pay equity law in our state. We stand on the front lines of reproductive justice with the Jackson Women’s Health Organization (the only abortion clinic left in Mississippi) and Planned Parenthood. We rallied for Nissan workers as they tried to unionize and spoke out loud and clear at the Women’s March in January. I am eager to continue the intersectional work that the current board has begun. I have served as the Chair of the Voting Rights committee on the Board and would like to see NOW bring the voice of women to join in with the voice of African American leaders speaking out against voter suppression.
As an out lesbian living in Mississippi I am keenly aware of the need for NOW to be a strong, passionate voice for women. In the current political climate, it is crucial that we have a strong NOW speaking out for and working in partnership with women who need abortions, women living in poverty, older women who need their social security, women experiencing violence, women of color and women of native descent. This is the “me too” time and NOW is the organization that has been leading the way on workplace violence and harassment for decades. With a strong board NOW can be all of these things and more. I am a proud lifetime member of NOW and would like to continue to serve National NOW as a member of the Board. I would greatly appreciate your vote for Bear Atwood as a representative of the Southern District on the NOW Board.
Western District — Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, Texas
Cindy Drabek – Richmond, Texas
I stand strong for women’s rights. I became a member of NOW after college. As I became the mother of two daughters, our fight has taken on an even deeper meaning and has strengthened my resolve to bring women into equality. Recently, I have been a candidate for the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate. Standing strong in our conviction and our sisterhood Will bring our strength and our power to the forefront of our nation. I am a mother, a businesswoman, and an activist for equality. I kindly ask for your vote. I will be a strong leader on our National Board. Thank you.
Christian Nunes – Phoenix, Arizona
Hello. My name is Christian Nunes and I am running for re-election to the 2019-2020 NOW national board. Currently, I am serving as an appointed board member for the Western District and Chair of the National NOW Committee on Combating Racism. Prior to serving on the national board, I served on my state board as Leadership Coordinator and a member and past vice present of my Phoenix chapter. In addition to my involvement with NOW, I also serve as a Commissioner and past Chair for Phoenix Mayor’s Commission on Disability Issues.
Professionally, I am the founder and owner of Wholistic Counseling and Wellness Alternatives LLC, which provides behavioral health, education, and consultation services, which focus on trauma recovery, empowerment, wellness, and inclusion through a holistic health approach. I also work as a p/t political consultant that provides consultation services on campaign management with an emphasis on electing women/women of color.
I am running for re-election because I believe NOW is moving in a positive direction towards inclusion and believe it is important that the board represents the diversity in which it advocates. Additionally, I want to increase the representation for all women and work towards creating plausible and transparent solutions that focus on eradicating oppression, inequality, and violence of women. I look forward to continuing to serve on the NOW national board and ask you for your support by electing me to the 2018-2020 board. In Unity and Healing, Christian
Daniel Sanchez – Tempe, Arizona
Daniel Jose Sanchez, is proud NOW member, since 2009. Daniel has worked as a volunteer for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 campaigns, as well as many other issues. Daniel has professional experience working in Women’s Healthcare Administration (with Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains) and Higher Education Administration (Arizona State University). Daniel has professional teaching experience instructing college level undergraduate Sociology and Women’s Studies courses with the Maricopa Community College system in Arizona and Aims Community College in Colorado. All for the ability to better serve our students towards their educational and professional advancement.
Currently, Daniel is a graduate student working on a Master’s of Public Administration (MPA) degree at Arizona State University (ASU). Daniel’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with Minor Studies in Visual Arts and Women’s Studies, and a Master of Arts in Sociology; both from the University of Northern Colorado.
Daniel desires to serve feminist’ and women alike, as well as all people by helping educate us, navigate administrative processes, develop forward-thinking policies and procedures, all while helping develop and train NOW members towards serving others for their individual and group benefit; all of which leads him to run for this position.
Simply said, Daniel Jose Sanchez loves serving feminist and women, and will make our NOW experience the most enjoyable, action-oriented, results-driven organization, by helping all people have more open hearts and more open minds to feminist and women’s issues – where a conversation and action can happen.