MN0040 Minnesota Valley NOW

The Minnesota Valley Chapter of NOW provides a diverse political, intellectual, and spiritual home for women who envision a world where women are respected and treated equally in all aspects of society.  The majority of our members live south of the Twin Cities and south of the rivers, but membership is not based on geographic location.

Minnesota Valley NOW is an active and growing chapter comprised of brave, determined women who are continuously working to improve the quality of life of women.  Our actions include:  Informational picketing, public speaking, sponsoring issue forums, performing outreach at community events, and lobbying our legislators.  Our members are well-connected with the vast feminist network in Minnesota.   We align ourselves with the “Radical Hospitality Agenda” to open hearts and minds to social justice.

Monthly chapter meetings are typically held on the 4th Wednesday of the month.  Members are welcome to gather for a social hour and/or dinner from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The meeting starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m.  Our current meeting location is Neisen’s Restaurant in Savage MN.   Meetings are generally not held in July, August, or December.

For more information, contact us at PO Box 3182, Burnsville MN 55337; 651-808-3600; or

Location: MN

Chapter Phone: 651-808-3600

Chapter Email: Visit the Chapter Contact Form

Social Media: Facebook