By Erin Matson, NOW Action Vice President
Recently, we sent out an Action Alert urging you to contact your senators about restricting amendments to health care that limit women’s access to the full range of reproductive services, including abortion. Please, please, please take a moment to contact them if you haven’t done so already.
Our friends in Congress desperately need to hear from us, because there seems to be a oft-repeated belief that abortion “bogs down” the health care debate. This isn’t true. Those same opining opponents of women’s fundamental right to self-determination are the same folks who won’t vote for meaningful health care reform anyway.
A majority of the public has indicated that they do want any health care reform package to cover abortion. What’s more, the overwhelming majority of employer-sponsored health insurance plans do cover abortion; in essence, new, misguided restrictions to abortion represent not the status quo (mistakenly suggested by some of our allies in Congress), but a frightening rollback for women’s health.
Your representatives need to hear from you immediately. Urge them to do the right thing and stand up for all women.