We would like to wish all of our members and supporters a wonderful holiday season and happy new year, on behalf of all staff at NOW!
We want to end this year by looking forward to our goals and plans for 2015. We plan on strengthening our grassroots so women have equal access to reproductive health services. With a new anti-choice Congress in place, we know we will be working even harder to prevent a 20-week abortion ban. The right wing extremists will make it extremely challenging to repeal the discriminatory Hyde Amendment, but we know Hyde must go, and we will be working with our allies to remove it from the books.
We understand, however, that a woman’s reproductive freedom is inextricably linked with their economic security – which is why we’ll be fighting just as hard for women to have control of their economic future. Together with our allies, we will fight to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work, raise the minimum wage, and expand social security to include Caregiver Credits. We will support legislation that advances both economic and reproductive justice on a large scale – benefitting all women and families.
We will also continue to raise our voices to eliminate violence against women. We have consistently been successful in passing and protecting the Violence Against Women Act, and in 2015 we will make sure we fight for even more protection against domestic and sexual violence.
Finally, NOW will continue to work with our allies to end the pattern and practice of over-policing and under-protection that results in police brutality and prosecutorial abuse aimed at women and men in communities of color. We know that to have any hope of being effective, these actions must include women as well as men, and girls as well as boys. NOW salutes the peaceful protesters in Ferguson and beyond, and stands in solidarity with their demand for justice.
We have so much to look forward to this next year, and we hope you will be a part of our mission to protect women’s rights in 2015 and beyond!
All our best,
The NOW Staff
P.S. – Want to help? Please donate to NOW to support our plan for 2015!