National Organization for Women PAC Endorses Obama-Biden for Re-election

It is with great pride that we announce today, that the National Organization for Women Political Action Committee endorses President Barack Obama for re-election as president of the United States. NOW PAC is proud to stand behind a president who unquestionably represents the path forward to achieve equality for women.

NOW Denounces Male-led Congressional Push for D.C. 20-Week Abortion Ban

Sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), the D.C. 20-Week Abortion Ban has no exceptions for rape, incest or health conditions; and it stipulates penalties, jail time and public reporting requirements for doctors. It is a clear strike in the ongoing War on Women, and one that places women’s lives in danger.

Senate Fails Women on Equal Pay

The National Organization for Women is deeply disappointed that conservatives in the U.S. Senate this afternoon prevented the Paycheck Fairness Act from being brought up for a debate and receiving a vote.