Allendra Letsome, You are an IronGirl!

When my sister and I decided to do the IronGirl triathlon, we did not consider ourselves athletes. We had never done any sort of endurance activity, and we definitely had never trained for anything like this. You might even call us nerds. But we were committed to doing it, so we gave ourselves nine months to get ready.

NOW Conference Opens with Feminist Fireworks on the Agenda

Today the National Organization for Women opens its 2010 National NOW Conference at a critical time for women’s rights. Hundreds of feminist leaders and activists have gathered in Boston, Mass., to share information, ideas and strategies for addressing the huge challenges before us.

Halloween Costumes and Women

Most of these outfits look like a cheap version of Victoria’s Secret lingerie, yet they cost the same amount of money. The costume industry was even thoughtful enough to create doggie versions of sexy Halloween getups, so now your pooch also has an opportunity to strut her stuff.