By Erin Matson, NOW Action Vice President
Please call your Representative RIGHT AWAY and tell her or him to vote NO on the anti-abortion, anti-woman Stupak Amendment. Then forward this message to everyone you know who supports women’s rights!
Here’s what’s going on:
The House is debating the health reform bill as I write, and a final vote will be later this evening. There will be only TWO amendments allowed before the final vote:
The Republican alternative to the bill that’s on the floor The Stupak, Ellsworth, Pitts, Smith (NJ), Kaptur and Dahlkemper amendment that would drastically restrict women’s access to legal abortion services.
Every NOW member and all women’s rights supporters should call their Representatives immediately with a short message: I am a constituent / donor / voter /supporter of (name your congressperson) and I’m calling to urge you to please vote AGAINST the upcoming Stupak amendment. This amendment is a direct effort to curtail women’s access to reproductive health care. Your vote today will determine my vote next November!
The general number, 202-225-3121 is jammed, so go here to find the direct line to your Member: If the Washington, DC office is busy, find your congressperson’s district office number at this same link.
According to the American Public Health Association, “The Stupak amendment would prohibit the ‘public option’ created in the legislation from covering abortion services. In addition, the amendment would prohibit any individual receiving subsidies for their insurance premiums from purchasing a plan that offers abortion services. The amendment could significantly impact lower and middle-income women who are not able to afford to purchase separate supplemental coverage for abortion services.”
At the Healthcare for America Now blog ( ), there is a list of Members who need phone calls the most. If your Representative is on this list, call their DC and/or district offices and hit redial until you get through:
Leans pro-choice but needs shoring up:
Arcuri (D, NY-24) – 202-225-3665 Bean (D, IL-08) – (202) 225-3711 Bishop, S. (D, GA-02) – (202) 225-2203 Boswell (D, IA-03) – (202) 225-3806 Butterfield (D, NC-01) – (202) 225-3101 Cardoza (D, CA-18) – (202) 225-6131 Chandler (D, KY-06) – (202) 225-4706 Cooper (D, TN-05) – 202-225-4311 Costa (D, CA-20) – 202-225-3341 Doyle (D, PA-14) – 202-225-2135 Edwards, C. (D, TX-17) – 202-225-6105 Etheridge (D, NC-02) – (202) 225-4531 Gordon (D, TN-06) – (202) 225-4231 Kratovil (D, MD-01) – (202) 225-5311 Langevin (D, RI-02) – (202) 225-2735 McMahon (D, NY-13) – (202) 225-3371 Michaud (D, ME-02) – 202-225-6306 Minnick (D, ID-01) – (202) 225-6611 Neal (D, MA-02) – (202) 225-5601 Nye (D, VA-02) – (202) 225-4215 Obey (D, WI-07) – (202) 225-3365 Owens (D, NY-23) – (202) 225-4611 Ruppersberger (D, MD-02) – 202-225-3061 Ryan, T. (D, OH-17) – 202-225-5261 Salazar (D, CO-03) – 202-225-4761 Space (D, OH-18) – (202) 225-6265 Unknown: Biggert (R, IL-13) – 202-225-3515 Carney (D, PA-10) – (202) 225-3731 Castle (R, DE-AL) – 202.225.4165 Cuellar (D, TX-28) – 202-225-1640 Davis, A. (D, AL-07) – (202) 225-2665 Dent (R, PA-15) – 202-225-6411 Ellsworth (D, IN-08) – (202) 225-4636 Frelinghuysen (R, NJ-11) – (202) 225-5034 Kirk (R, IL-10) – 202-225-4835 Lynch (D, MA-09) – 202-225-8273 Pomeroy (D, ND-AL) – (202) 225-2611 Snyder (D, AR-02) – (202) 225-2506 Tanner (D, TN-08) – (202) 225-4714 Visclosky (D, IN-01) – (202) 225-2461 Leaning anti-choice: Altmire (D, PA-04) – 202-225-2565 Barrow (D, GA-12) – (202) 225-2823 Berry (D, AR-01) – (202) 225-4076 Boccieri (D, OH-16) – (202) 225-3876 Bright (D, AL-02) – (202) 225-2901 Capito (R, WV-02) – 202.225.2711 Donnelly (D, IN-02) – (202) 225-3915 Hill (D, IN-09) – (202) 225-5315 Jenkins (R, KS-02) – (202) 225-6601 Kildee (D, MI-05) – 202-225-3611 Lance (R, NJ-07) – (202) 225-5361 Lee, C. (R, NY-26) – (202) 225-5265 Matheson (D, UT-02) – (202) 225-3011 Mollohan (D, WV-01) – (202) 225-4172 Ortiz (D, TX-27) – (202) 225-7742 Paulsen (R, MN-03) – (202) 225-2871 Perriello (D, VA-05) – (202) 225-4711 Rahall (D, WV-03) – (202) 225-3452 Ross (D, AR-04) – (202) 225-3772 Spratt (D, SC-05) – (202) 225-5501 Wilson, C. (D, OH-06) – (202) 225-5705